165. No Matter What

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Jungkook shot a glance towards Taehyung standing outside, and Lalisa gave a nod of her head and answered.

"I think I should look into it."

Jungkook looked regretfully at her and kissed her on the forehead.

"...It's hard to get you all to myself."

She could not help but smile at the longing in his words. After the war with the Duchy of Lunen, they spent many leisurely hours alone as they traveled. She found it silly that he expressed dissatisfaction at every small disturbance, yet she found it endearing at the same time.

Jungkook released her from his embrace and spoke in a soft voice.

"Bring the letter."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

With permission given, Taehyung stepped into the tent. He noticed Jungkook's resentment, however, and quickly apologized.

"I seem to have interrupted your private time. I'm sorry."

"You should be."

Lalisa quickly poked Jungkook in the ribs for his remark, then turned towards Taehyung.

"Thank you. These are the letters I've been waiting for."

"Not at all. It was delivered to the Imperial Palace first before arriving here, so they are late. Please take that into consideration, and let me know if there's anything you need."

"I will."

Taehyung handed the two letters to Lalisa, bowed politely, and left the tent. She watched Taehyung's retreating figure, then soon looked down at the envelopes, where the seals of the Krauss and Astar families were stamped on them respectively. Her heart was in her throat, and she was nervous to check the contents.

'I hope it has some good information in it.'

Overall, it didn't matter if she couldn't remove the curse from the Imperial Family. She loved Jungkook so much that her feelings towards him weren't affected by it, and she also considered the child growing inside her to be precious. Apart from that, however, her heart lamented over Jungkook's unhappy childhood and the hatred he carried for the black scales.

And so, Lalisa wanted to remove the curse as much as possible. If their child were to inherit it, it would be quite painful for Jungkook as well. She didn't know how much guilt he would feel passing on the curse to his own child.

As she stared moodily at the letters, Jungkook, who was watching her from the side, gave her a questioning look.

"What kind of letters are those?"

Lalisa was interrupted from her bleak thoughts, and she raised her head to look at him. His blue eyes were filled with worry, and her gaze couldn't leave his perfectly sculpted face. It was the face of the man she loved, the one she imagined over and over whenever times were difficult.

She held the letters in her hand, then pointed to the bedside where she was sitting.

"Come sit down here."

Jungkook's expression hardened suspiciously, but he sat down where she indicated without complaint.

"What is it?"

"There's no reason to be nervous. I just thought it would be a good idea to talk this over with you before I opened these letters."

"Yes. You can tell me anything."

Lalisa couldn't help but smile as Jungkook waited expectantly for her story.

"In truth, as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I made a request to the heads of the Krauss and Astar families. There is a tribe that worships the sacred dragon. Maybe you've heard of them."

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