32. Where Have I Seen This Before?

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After preventing a disaster at Flower Bridge, Lalisa returned to her mansion. And for a while, she lived a life of ordinary noblewoman again. There weren't many things for Lalisa to do here like in Blaise Castle in the south, but she still had household duties to fulfill. She was restless at being so far away from home, but her fathered stayed at the capital mansion for long periods of time so she thought to be productive here.

It was good to be busy to distract her from her thoughts. Her mind wandered from Jungkook to the Flower Bridge festival. His voice still echoed clearly in her ears.

– ...Stay like this for a little longer.

Lalisa squeezed her eyes shut at the memory.

'There's nothing there. I'm just crazy...'

She could not easily refuse him, so she had done what he asked. Even if she could redo the moment, she wouldn't necessarily turn him down coldly. Guilt still pricked her, however. Her relationship with Jungkook was nothing more than business. Although they were bound together by a contract marriage, it was formed by mutual needs. Lalisa wouldn't turn sentimental when she had a family to protect.

'Keep your head straight, Lisa.'

She vowed not to lose her family again. There was no time to entertain any other emotions. It was impressive that she managed to muster some anger at herself, but that was the end. No more.

She stood up from the desk where she was looking over some documents, then lifted a small table at the end of the room with one hand. It was the right size and weight for her to build the strength of her arms, and when no one was present she would do repetitions by lifting it up and down.

She heard knock. She put the small table back in place and spoke calmly.

"Come in."

It was Bambam who entered.

"I've come to tell you something, My Lady."

"Yes. What is it?"

"It's about the maid, Dahyun. The one you asked me to investigate."

Lalisa's eyes shone as Bambam said that name. She would find the one who was behind the destruction of her dress. However, contrary to her expectations, Bambam opened his mouth guiltily.

"Well...There is no trace."

"No trace?"

Lalisa was not easily convinced. With the Blaise's intelligence resources, it should be easy to track down a mere maid. She assumed the only setback would be the time it would take for the information to be delivered all the way to the capital city.

"Where was the last place she was seen?"

"It seems she had a difficult time after she was fired. I looked into it and she lost all the money she had to gambling."

Lalisa thought Dahyun would use the gold coin she left her to settle down somewhere, but it didn't seem to be the case. Bambam continued.

"She seemed to have stayed in the slums for a time with nowhere to go, but one day some rough-looking men took her way. I haven't been able to confirm anything that happened after that."

"I see..."

Lalisa was lost in thought for a moment. If she correctly interpreted Bambam's report, then someone took Dahyun away to hide her from the Blaise's eyes, otherwise she wouldn't have suddenly disappeared like so. If Dahyun was dead, then they should have found the body.

'But who is responsible?'

Whoever it was, they wouldn't have taken Dahyun for no reason. Further investigation would be required, but Lalisa realized one important possibility.

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