35. I'm Envious

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Lalisa and Jungkook were performing to an elaborate dance masterpiece, but in the moments they were close to each other they whispered in conversation.

"Did you find out who tried to destroy Flower Bridge?"

The matter had continually eaten away at her since that day. She could not ask Jimin, however, as Lalisa the noblewoman and Lali the bodyguard were different people. That part of her identity was still hidden from him.

Jungkook responded in a low voice as she approached him again on the timing.

"Let's talk about that later."


His answer was enigmatic, but Lalisa simply nodded. Soon the music ended, and so did the dance. Lalisa and Jungkook bowed to each other as they did when they first stepped out to the floor. As she was about to depart, Jungkook stopped her again.

"I heard a lady who said she would introduce you to other gentlemen. Will you meet them, by any chance?"

She gave him an odd look.

"You don't like it?"

"What will you do if I say no?"

"Then I won't go. I have no intention of doing something that you don't like."

He gave a sudden look of surprise at her straightforward reply, then immediately drew a steady smile.

"...Your answer leaves me quite satisfied."

"My fiancé is right in front of me, so of course."

"I like that word."

Her words seemed to lift his mood. She couldn't understand him why he would be content with such a thing, but she moved on so that they stood next to a table. She felt the stares of the entire room on them.

"Maybe we should keep each other's company a little longer?"

"Yes. We should show mutual attraction. Then we can say we fell in love at first sight as you planned."

Lalisa agreed. That was exactly what she wanted. Then they could proceed to the wedding as soon as possible.

"The one you were with earlier, was that your sister?"

"Yes, that's right. Have you seen her?"

"She looks just like you."

"Oh, she's more beautiful than me. She's also charming and very good with her hands."

Lalisa flowed with praise for her sister as if she had been waiting for the opportunity all night. Jungkook gave a small smile.

"Yes, she does take after you."

"A little. Roseanne is such a lovely girl."

"You must be very protective of her."

"Yes. She is very precious to me."

She had a dreamy expression on her face. Jungkook looked at Lalisa with some surprise, as he had never seen such a warm look on her before. Then he mumbled in a low voice,

"I'm envious of her..."

"I'm sorry?"

Lalisa did not hear him for the noise of the crowd.

"What did you say?"


She was a bit curious, but soon dismissed it. She was getting nervous again at the thought of leaving Roseanne to the unfamiliar clutches of high society.

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