150. Please Be Safe

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Jungkook swiftly ordered his entourage to retreat after a boulder had suddenly fallen off a cliff ahead of them. There were a few other dangerous moments of falling rocks, but fortunately for Jungkook and the others, they remained safe. Taehyung, who was riding next to Jungkook, exhaled in relief.

"That was a close call. Fortunately it had fallen ahead of us, or we would have been in trouble."

Jungkook stared wordlessly at the cloud of dirt rising from the boulders. The narrow path was now blocked, making it impossible to get through.


"What do you mean?"

"Rocks don't fall like this. Not unless someone is trying to target me."

"It does appear to be more than a coincidence, but wouldn't the rocks fall on top of us as we were passing through?"

"That's why it's strange."

Jungkook stared at the road with a suspicious look. An ominous feeling lingered in the back of his mind.

"The place I'm supposed to meet my wife is a long distance from isn't it?"

"Ah, yes. Her Majesty wouldn't have been harmed."


Jungkook turned away from the rocks and spoke to the other knights.

"Hurry up."

Because the shortcut in front of them was blocked, they had to take a much longer detour than originally planned. Jungkook rode away at a fast pace, unable to find the words to voice his unease.


The sun set behind the horizon and the land was blanketed in darkness. It was quite late when Jungkook and his party arrived at the place where they would meet Lalisa. When they rode into the encampment, the first thing Jungkook saw were knights urgently rushing around with torches, and the fear in his mind surged against his will.

As soon as the commander noticed Jungkook's arrival, he ran towards him.

"You're here, Your Majesty?"

"What is going on?"

"Well...Her Majesty ran into some unknown men, and we haven't been able to find her since."

Jungkook's eyes blazed at the news.

"How long has she been gone?"

"Well, it's been a few hours..."

"You're only telling me this now?"

At Jungkook's furious outburst, the commander dropped to his knees.

"I beg your forgiveness, Your Majesty."

Jungkook didn't respond to him, instead issuing an order to Taehyung instead.

"Find her, now."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Taehyung was familiar with the dangers of Jungkook in a temper, and he immediately organized a search party made up of Jungkook's and Lalisa's knights. Another knight returned from his search and yelled out to the camp.

"I found something suspicious!"

The news drew everyone's attention at the same time. Jungkook stared at the knight with wide eyes.

"Where is it?"

The knight looked taken aback to be suddenly addressed by Emperor Jungkook, but he soon answered clearly.

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