161. I Have To Go Back

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Namgil stared at Lalisa with a wry smile.

"I see that you are quite a talented fighter, but to think of killing me...don't you think those aspirations are too high?"

Not only was he an excellent commander, but he was one of the most powerful swordsmen on the continent. He had never been defeated in combat. Lalisa was well-aware of the fact, but her gaze was unbroken as she stared ahead at him.

"We'll compare the long- and short-term ones."

Lalisa already knew how dangerous Namgil was from a lifetime ago. But that didn't change her mind. No matter what happened today...she was going to win.


She let loose her arrow. It veered in an arc, heading for one of the soldiers near Namgil.


It pierced the soldier's neck, and the soldier fell to the ground with a gurgle. The arrow had taken an unexpected trajectory, and Namgil realized that the soldier had been her intended target.

Even the most skillful of knights could not cope with multiple enemies on their own. Lalisa's goal was to whittle down the number of Namgil's guards first, and Namgil's face contorted with fury.

"Surround that bitch so she can't get away! Show her what the price is for attempting to take my life!"

"Yes, My Lord!"

She couldn't stop every one of Namgil's men with her arrows, and they would eventually catch her before she killed them all.

The other battles raged around them. Namgil had to quickly defeat Lalisa to avoid further loss of his guard, and assist the other soldiers. If he were lucky to capture her, he could force the other Ruford soldiers to surrender.

Three of Paveluc's soldiers pushed forward to surround Lalisa, but she sidestepped them and fled with feline-quick movements. The night was dark, and the moment she was past the glow of the raging fire, she vanished from sight.

Namgil realized that this was all going according to her plan.

'We're still playing in the palm of her hand.'

Namgil ran forward to close the distance, beckoning the soldiers in the direction where Lalisa disappeared.


Another arrow shot out of the darkness and took the life of another soldier. The number of his guards decreased from three to two.

But he remained unperturbed. While she kept dodging away from him, there was a limit. He spoke through gritted teeth.

"You will soon regret not running when you had the chance."

Finally, the two soldiers, including Namgil, managed to corner Lalisa. Her beautiful face was illuminated in the flickering light.

Swig! Swig! Swiiiig!

Out of nowhere, dozens of arrows began to rain down on Namgil.

"My Lord! Watch out!"

The soldier rushed to protect him. Because of this, Namgil managed to escape several arrows, but one of them pierced his left shoulder.


He gave a short groan of pain, and he whirled around to look at his surroundings. Until now, he was only focused on hunting Lalisa, but now more archers were aiming for him from the dark. Namgil's expression turned grim.

"The empress...was the bait."

Lalisa confidently stared down at him.

"It's too late to notice now."

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