43. This is Incredible

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Just as Jungkook said, gossip of what happened at the party quickly spread throughout high society. Unlike the current soft-spoken emperor Gongyoo, the sudden, brutal appearance of Jungkook was the prime topic among the nobility, compounded by the fact that he had spent years in the battlefield before appearing in capital society. While there had been stories about the Prince Mingyu, word about the Imperial Household now was far different from the past.

Inevitably, Lalisa's name became a topic of conversation as well. The revelation that she and Jungkook had been in a relationship for a while now completely destroyed any other rumors. Jungkook had even killed the nobleman who tried to frame her. As a result, only the rumors about Yerim started by Lalisa remained, and recently people began to make reference to Yerim in a negative way.

"Why are you so jealous of me? You're just like Lady Selby."

"When was I jealous of you!"

This kind of conversation was common among the aristocrats these days, and it was said that Yerim locked herself up in her mansion.

However, there was another issue that Lalisa had to concentrate on just around the corner. She originally intended to tell her family that she would marry Jungkook, whom she met at the ball...

But now it was out in the open that she had been in a secret relationship with him all this time. Roseannee did not yet know that Lalisa was secretly seeing the prince, however. The moment Lalisa had to confess. They had never hidden anything from each other, and she was nervous that Roseanne would be upset with her.

Lalisa uncharacteristically gave a dry gulp.

"Roseanne, I need to talk to you for a moment..."

"Hmm? What is it?"

Roseannee, who was sitting leisurely in her room, stepped out when she heard Lalisa's call. Roseannee was the picture of sweetness, but Lalisa could not smile at the scene. Her face stiffened.

"I have to confess something to you. It's a little bit too much to say here, um...Should we move somewhere else and talk over a cup of tea? "

"What? Why are you so serious, sister? "

Roseanne was worried about her. Lalisa was normally more straightforward and didn't usually talk in a roundabout way.

Roseanne wordlessly followed Lalisa to an outside patio table, and they didn't speak even after Nayeon brought Roseanne's favorite milk tea. Lalisa found herself not knowing where to begin. Soon the silence became too oppressive.

"Roseanne, drink your tea when it's warm."

"I will. But can you tell me what you want to say first?"

Roseanne looked up curiously but Lalisa remained hesitant. Roseanne knew that her sister was struggling, so she patiently took a sip of her tea.

As Lalisa watched Roseanne cup her tea with both hands and blow gently on it's steaming surface, she realized that this moment truly was real. Her words really would lead to a marriage with Jungkook. She had already made this decision in her head over and over, but this was the first time that she would reveal it to her family.



"The truth is..."

Roseanne tried to prompt Lalisa further.

"What is it?"

After another moment, Lalisa answered with a tight voice.

"...I'm in love."

Roseanne blinked owlishly a few times, then came to her senses.


Her voice was louder than before.

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