94. Should be Mine

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Tzuyu was on her way back from her usual visit to Yerim's mansion, but today, however, there were many beggars on the street crowding around the carriage.

"Please help."

"I haven't eaten for two days."

Tzuyu delicately pinched her nose with one hand, then leaned over to speak to the carriage driver.

"Can't you go a little faster? "

"I'm sorry, My Lady. The beggars are blocking the road."


She scowled, when suddenly the carriage window opened and a hand burst in. Tzuyu was too frightened to scream, and she froze as the hand dropped a letter into the carriage, then quickly disappeared.


Tzuyu finally let out a scream, but by then everything had already passed. The driver looked back in alarm.

"What's going on, My Lady?"


Tzuyu pointed a trembling finger at the letter, but as her reason gradually began to return to her, she realized that something was strange. She had visited Yerim's residence countless times, and never before were there so many beggars in this alley. Why did they surround her today? More importantly, the sudden intruder did not hurt her. The beggars likely weren't beggars at all, and she had been approached for some purpose.


She quickly came to herself, then looked outside the carriage window. The beggars that surrounded them had scattered, as if their task was complete. Doubt turned into conviction. This was all a ruse to deliver a letter to her.

'Who sent the letter?'

Tzuyu's confusion turned to scrutiny. The driver, unaware of what was going on, spoke with a worried voice.

"My Lady, are you alright?"

"Ah, yes. It's nothing."

Tzuyu picked up the letter from the floor and opened it. She first began reading the letter with skepticism, but her expression gradually darkened. When she finally arrived home...

"My Lady!"

The servant was startled when he opened the door to the carriage. Tzuyu was sitting inside, looking pale and completely exhausted. Servants of the Jenner family hurried to help her, but she bit her trembling lips and tucked the letter away.

What was inside...

No one should know.



The day of the party was fast approaching. As promised, Yoongi delivered the results of his work to the Lalisa after three days. Everything was going as planned, and all that was left was to draw Yerim into their snare.

There was the smooth sound of silk as Lalisa tied the cravat on Jungkook's neck. It was part of her daily routine now, and she was far more skilled at it now than her first awkward attempt. She firmly kept her gaze away from Jungkook's piercing eyes as she worked, but he spoke up in a low voice.

"Has there been a change in heart?"

Her cheeks suddenly turned pink in guilt. She spoke carefully, worried that her feelings about him were written all over her face.

"Why are you suddenly asking me?"

Jungkook glanced at Lalisa's dress and jewelry, which were far more ornate than usual.

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