3.Marriage Fixed

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(Better to be strong than pretty and useless 💖)

K-Are we still having this conversation mom.

Kunj had just arrived from work when his mother decided to have a talk with him.He knew right away what she wanted to discuss with him

K-I has told you so many times I don't want to marry again atleast not now.

A-Its been a year Tara passed away.How long you want to stay alone like this??
She was so mad at her son for being so stubborn.She knew he loved his wife alot and is struggling with her sudden demise but it was time that he started to think about his young son

A-Have you ever thought about Ansh?How you are going to raise him alone?

K-Like how i am doing right now he shrugged and we are just fine with it.

A-Fine? Really? Look at the mess you have created in this house ? When was the last time you cleaned it?Is this how you raise a child?

She said pointing at the things lying around,from God knows how many days?

She had gone to her daughter's house for one week leaving the two behind and the house was turned upside down in her absence.

A-You still have your mother with you.Think about your son.He needs a mother's love and affection too.

K-Mom i can't have this conversation right now.He tugged at his tie and threw it somewhere on the floor before walking near his son to carry him in his arms.

K-Hey little bunny ,did you miss dada?He cooed his son who babbled in response.

Avantika hates Tara for leaving her son to suffer alone like this.She could have avoided her own death from happening,if she had been a little more careful and responsible.

Even now her stomach twisted uneasily to think about that night.

She was waiting for her daughter-in-law but what came was news of her death.What shocked her more was she was returning from a night club that too heavily drunk.Now her son and grandson are getting punished because of her foolishness.

After Tara's death Natasha had come to meet Ansh many times and once she even showed her interest in marrying Kunj.She suggested that she would stay at home, leaving behind her carrier to take care of Ansh like her own.It infuriated Kunj instantly.
It wasn't unknown to Natasha that Kunj disliked her even before her sister's death, for being a bad influence on Tara.Now that Natasha was the sole reason for her sister's death, his hate became ten times for her.

And when Natasha went to convince Avantika she refused frankly.Kunj had married Tara when he got to know she was pregnant with his son.Thogh the family of was against their marriage initially,they couldn't do much as she was carrying their hier and eventually had to give green signal for their marriage.

But this time she wanted to choose a bride for her son,a better one and definitely not Tara's sister Natasha ,who was as careless and irresponsible as Tara.May be even more she thought.She didn't want to think about his son spending his life with her .He could better remain single rather than marrying that spoilt brat.

She is sure that Twinkle would be perfect wife for her son as she is not only beautiful from outside but from inside too.She will make him fall in love with her.
All she had do is make her son agree to marry Twinkle.

A-Kunj you can't go like this forever.I am getting old now and i can't die peacefully leaving you like this alone and heartbroken.

Avantika's words stabbed Kunj's hear.She had offered to stay at his house after Tara's death to take care of Ansh.He knew that how hard it was for her to take care of Ansh when she herself was suffering from lot of health issues.With Ansh growing a little mischievous each day,she was having a tough time running and looking after him.

Billionaire's second wife☑️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon