27.A New Problem😟

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The next week after a tiring night shift, Twinkle returned home early in the morning. The first thing she did was to check on her son before going into her room. Kunj and Ansh were still asleep. Her in-laws had gone back,so it was just the three of them.
She silently slipped into the bathroom for a quick shower, which really helped her relieve her back pain and exhaustion.

When Kunj felt the mattress duck beside him, his eyes fluttered open to see Twinkle tucked under the covers.

K- Hey Jaan. He kissed her neck and pulled her closer.

T- Sorry, I woke you up.

K- Let's make good use of this time, now that you had woken me up.
He mumbled naughtily as he pulled her rope aside, revealing her luscious breasts. Kunj stopped and stared at her peaks before feeling them under both his palms, making her moan in ecstasy.

K( huskily)- Why do they suddenly appear bigger and juicer.

T- KUNJ. She slapped at his shoulder for his bluntness.' You have became so shameless.'

K-Not that I am complaining... You look like a sex Goddess. He whispered into her ear,causing her to shudder.

He shortly began to work his way down her body. He rained sloppy kisses on every inch of her skin and soon he drove into her with a severe passion like there was no tomorrow,
causing Twinkle to cry out in fulfillment and pleasure.

When they came down from their high, he hugged her from behind and draped his hand and leg over her body possessively.He kept showering wet kisses on the back of her neck and shoulder.
K- My sweet Twinky.

Twinkle's heart swelled with love and happiness when she heard him say those words to her. She couldn't help but grin secretary whenever he openly expressed his affection for her.
She wasn't sure,if his feelings for her was love or not but this was more than what she expected from him.

She was so tired and his hold around her was so warm and soothing that she didn't know when she fell asleep.

Kunj stirred up when he heard a soft knock on the door , followed by Ansh's sleepy voice,' Dada'

Kunj popped on his elbow. Hey buddy,
come here...He tried to keep his voice down. Ansh walked towards him with his soft blanket tucked under his one arm.

Kunj saw him sucking the life out of his thumb.
K- Are you hungry,kiddo?

Ansh nodded as she climbed onto the bed,"Mumma". He tried to crawl near Twinkle but Kunj carried him out of bed before placing a feather soft kiss on Twinkle's forehead. He knew Ansh would end up cuddling with his mumma and would ultimately wake her up.

She looked already worn out when she came home. He felt slightly guilty for not minding that and lusting over her body but he was helpless.He lost all his control when it came to Twinkle. He wasn't like this with Tara. He was a workaholic and many times Tara had to seduce him but with Twinkle it was totally different.
She would have to do absolutely nothing but still he would end up craving for her, not just her body but her soul as well.

K- Let's make your milk.
He closed the door behind him and made his way into the kitchen. He placed Ansh on the counter and put the milk to boil.

Kunj carried Ansh with a glass of milk on his other hand. He made him sit on the sofa and handed him his drink.
K- There you go.

A- Dada, Doraemon... Ansh pointed at the TV.

K- Alright,but just for twenty minutes,okay? He turned on the Tv and put it on low volume.

He spent the next few minutes turning the pages of newspaper while sipping his coffee.He looked at the wall clock. It was fifteen minutes to eight and he knew Lily would be here any minute .

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