37. Truth Revealed

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Kunj took home Twinkle that night. She lost her one last ray of hope who could help them with the case. She kept thinking what Tanya was afraid of.

Was she scared of Abhishek?

Did he threaten her?

Now what? Who was going to solve the mystery for them?

Both of them couldn't sleep peacefully that night.

Kunj returned to Tanya's flat early the next morning and waited in her car for her. When he noticed her coming out of the building,he went near her with long strides and stopped in front of her.

Oh my gosh! Tanya was shocked to see him standing out before she could compose herself."Kunj, i told you not to come here."
She said nervously looking around.

K-Look Tanya, you are our only hope, the only son who can give our son a better chance in life. Please tell me what you know and i promise you that i wouldn't let anyone hurt you. What are you so bothered about? Please tell me. He pleaded to make her understand his situation.

Tanya's expression turned helpless when she heard Kunj bringing up thr topic about Tara's son, 'I am sorry Kunj, but I can't do this, leave now.
She got inside her car without listening him any further.

Kunj exhaled, giving up on Tanya and drove back to work. If Natasha was oblivious to these things, then there was no way Tara had shared her secrets with anyone else. Tanya was the closest of her friends and if she couldn't help them then no one else could. Now, he didn't know what he was supposed to do?

Who could tell him what happened to Tara?

From everything he read on that diary, he was sure Abhishek was not the right one to raise Ansh. He couldn't trust his child with that bastard.

Tanaya pulled the car on the parking lot of the grocery store where she worked now. It had been five years since that horrific incident happened, but it still felt like yesterday for her. Even though she wanted to forget it, she couldn't. There was not a single day when it didn't haunt her. Her own guilt was killing her but she was helpless and afraid of Abhishek.

'How long are you going to live in fear, Tanya?' Her self consciousness taunted her.'Tara was your best friend and don't you think she deserves justice?'

T- Fuck, I can't do this.
She felt restless the whole day at work. She couldn't turn a deaf ear to Kunj when he was in so much need of her help and support. Sne sighed and got up to take an early leave.


Twinkle was in her room going through her class notes since she had exam the next afternoon. Kunj had just arrived home and was in the shower.

When he came out,he was bare chested and his wet hair was tossed back. Twinkle secretly ogled at his muscular chest which was so perfectly sculpted, his ripping biceps and then the V cut on his waist.

She felt a tingle travel down her core and her heart skipped a couple of beats seeing her husband's well chiseled features. She was so busy in admiring his body that she hadn't noticed him staring back at her until she heard him clear his throat. They both fell into silence but their eyes glued to each other. He knew what she wanted, something he too craved from Twinkle, only from Twinkle but she was being too stubborn and haughty lately and he felt annoyed about it.

Twinkle swallowed against her suddenly dry throat feeling awkward being caught shamelessly ogling at him. It had been weeks since they talked and interacted like a normal couple but she had to admit that she was missing him like hell. She never thought she would someday come to miss his touches, his kisses and his hands all over her. Even though she was trying, her body was craving for Kunj and she wonder how she could have no control over her own senses when it came to Kunj.

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