32.Subchorionic Hematoma

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D-Twinkle is suffering from subchorionic Hematoma or you can say subchorionic hemorrhage.

K- But you said she is stable

D-For now she is stable but it can happen again that's why I said you need to be extra careful last time.
Vaginal bleeding is common symptom in this condition. I will prescribe complete bed rest to her or else she can have complications in her pregnancy.

Kunj was shocked hearing this.

K-But doctor you didn't say anything before.

D-I know I was going to talk about this with you. But before that this happened. But don't worry if she will take proper rest and diet,she will be fine. And bleeding will stop itself in some weeks. Don't let her lift heavy things and no heavy exercise and sex.

K-Thanks doctor.

D- Don't worry everything will be fine
She patted his shoulder and left.

( I don't know much about this condition guys, just took a little help from Google and my dear soon to be doctor friend. It's just a story so just assume things)

Nisha and Avantika were waiting outside the ward where Twinkle was admitted. She hadn't regained her concious yet.

N-Why can't our children be happy in their life for once without any tension? Already my Twinkle is suffering the pain of losing her baby boy now this thing with her.

A- I just want my children to stay happy without any trouble in their life.

Kunj remained by Twinkle's side the whole time she was unconscious, her frail hand in his and his head resting on the bed.

He was blaming himself for this condition of Twinkle. He wanted to kill himself for waiting so long to express his true feelings for her. If he had been brave enough and said it earlier,this misunderstanding wouldn't have happened. Twinkle wouldn't have to suffer so much.

The most stupidest thing he did was to confess his love immediately after discovering about the pregnancy, which made her doubt him. Offcourse it made her think that he was doing it just because of the baby. She wasn't to be blamed because any other woman in her place might have felt the same way, especially after hearing about her husband wanting to leave her.

He knew how much she wanted to be a loving mother. First she lost Ansh and now for this baby she has to suffer so much.How was she going to cope up with all this?

For three reasons, Kunj declined the idea of explaining to Twinkle why he had agreed to Natasha's nonsense pleas of getting rid of her in return for Ansh. First one being her, health. Reminding her all the things would stress her more which is not good for her and their baby.

The second one being her distrust on him. He knew how much ever efforts he tried to put on explaining the situation to her, she wouldn't believe him. The third one was the fact that if in case he got a chance to explain himself , it would kill Twinkle for jumping into conclusions without confronting him. She would blame herself for the rest of her life.

He didn't want that for her. She was already into so much pain and grief over the loss of Ansh and now the health of their unborn. He didn't want to increase her suffering for talking about this now.

He was pulled out his thoughts when he felt Twinkle stir open her eyes slowly. He was sure that she would be angry at him and wouldn't want to see him. Before she could open her eyes fully he leaned forward to drop a kiss on her chapped lips. It hurt him to think that she didn't believe him when he said that he loved her. He wished she had believed him and reciprocated his feelings instead of letting her insecurities consume her. He quietly left the room after throwing another glance at her.

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