23.Realisation & Guilt

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When the results of the paternity test came out,it didn't bring shock to anyone because as expected Ansh's DNA was a perfect match to Abhishek's.The court had summoned both the family to solve this case in a smooth way so that the child's mental health is taken care of.

Natasha celebrated the news with her parents and Abhishek.She convinced the court in believing that she and Abhishek were in a relationship and wanted to take care of Ansh.She even accused of Twinkle for not taking proper care of Ansh.They were a hundred percent sure that the court would hand over his custody to them.

All these years Kunj had loved Ansh thinking that he was his son,born from his love for Tara but knowing the truth,he doubted that he would ever be able to love him anymore.

Afterall he wasn't a saint to accept someone else's child.Every day when he came back home,his eyes fell on Ansh and that only reminded him of Tara's betrayal.It was a pure torture for Kunj and he felt being trapped to be at that house anymore.

Kunj spent day and night at work and seldom came home.When he did, Twinkle was always seen with Ansh which annoyed him even more.

He didn't understand how Twinkle could be so heedful and careful towards Ansh even after knowing everything but then he realised that she had long ago accepted someone else's child as her own.Ansh was never hers to feel the pain that Kunj was feeling right at that moment.

No one could recognise Twinkle's suffering in this matter.Everyone thought that it was easy for her since she wasn't Ansh's birth mother but in fact, Twinkle was devastated more than anyone else in the house.

She had wholeheartedly welcomed Ansh as her son.She loved him like her own and she didn't understand how she would be able to lead a life without him,if the judgement came against them.She could also sense how distant Kunj had become after knowing the truth about Ansh's birth.
She didn't want to think of the consequences that she would have to face in the future.

"Dada?" Ansh asked when he didn't see his dad for two days straight.

Twinkle smiled at him painfully
T-Dada is busy with work,baby. He will come home soon.

How was she supposed to explain this situation to Ansh?Her heart ached for him.He was innocent and had no fault in all this but he was the one who was going to pay for someone else's mistake.


Kunj sighed as he raked his hands through his hair.His mind flared with fury and his rage was blinding his eyes.Even after trashing his office,he couldn't feel relaxed.

Kunj went home late that night just like the past few days.

Seeing his dad at the door, Ansh ran into him and wound his small hands around his legs.

A-Dada!! He squealed happily and asked Kunj to lift him in his arms.

Kunj stared at him blankly before pushing him softly and walking away.

Twinkle just walked out of kitchen.Shw couldn't believe what she was seeing.She could see the dejection and disappointment in Ansh's eyes.What did he ever do to anyone?

Why did he have to undergo this kind of rejection at such a tender age?

How could Kunj shut off Ansh completely?

Was is that easy to forget the bond once they shared?

Was a father-son relationship linked only by blood and not by the heart?

Her heart leapt out of her chest for the little boy. She carried him to bed.
Ansh was extremely quiet as he was trying to process everything. She stayed with him until he slept.

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