4.First Meeting

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A-I can't believe you're getting married in a week.
She is still in shock and the first time Twinkle told her that she is going to marry a guy who has a two years old son.She literally freaked out.

She thought her friend must be mad to get married just because she doesn't want the child to end up with a cruel step mother like hers

A-There are si many children out there with stepmothers like yours.Would you be able to save them all? What are you?Their fairy Godmother?She freaked out

T-No i wouldn't be able to do that but atleast i will be able to give a better life to this one child.I know you must be thinking me crazy for taking such a drastic step but i have been in Ansh's place and i know how it feels to be hated whole life by the people whom you calls family.I have wondered so many times is it difficult to accept someone else's child as your own.
And see looks like God has given me a chance to find it myself.

Alisha stood there for a minute staring her friend then said "You are unbelievable"She exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air making Twinkle chuckle.

She knew that Alisha is just worried about her and it made her heart swell with contemptment for having such a great friend.

T-Yeah i am so nervous.
She is glad that Alisha understood her and supporting her in this decision

A-Have you talked to your fiance?

She tried to look down to hide her blush

A-Oh my god! Are you blushing ??
Alisha squealed as she nudged her arm playfully.

T-What no i am not
She protested with a pout

Alisha kept teasing her until they heard Yuvraj's deep voice behind them

Uv- Hey girls,what are laughing at?

Twinkle's laugh died down the moment her eyes landed on him.She knew he had feelings for her and she
was waiting for right moment to tell him her marriage news

She shifted her gaze to Alisha who gestured her with eyes to drop the bomb.She sighed and decided to give him the simple invitation Nisha had managed to get designed for her wedding.

T-Hey UV i have something for you.
She pulled out the invitation card from her bag and gave him.

His smile disappeared when he read on the names "Kunj weds Twinkle"

T-I am getting married in a week,it happened so fast that I didn't get the chance to tell you before.

Yuvraj's eyes were fixed on card.He didn't know how to react to it.Even after her rejection he had hope that she would give him a chance one day.

He tore his eyes from invitation and looked at Twinkle.He forced a smile on his face.

Uv- "Congratulations..I am happy for you.

Twinkle could see the dejection in his eyes and felt sorry for him.There was nothing she could do but she believed that he would get someone better than her as his life partner.

T-Thanks it's a simple wedding and we have called only close family members and friends.I want you to come

UV smiled at her with a pained expression on his face.
Uv-I will be there,i promise.


Alisha heaved a sigh that didn't go unnoticed by Alisha's heart crushed inside to see the sudden gloom on UV's face .She knew that Twinkle has a special place in his heart and for the first time in these four years,she wished that it was her instead of Twinkle whom UV liked.She would have readily agreed to date him.

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