35.Tara's diary

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What is this? Twinkle muttered and bent down to pick it up. It looked like a mere sheet of paper folded a few times. She slowly opened it and straightened the folds with her palms.

"A Restraining order?" Her eyes widened. Her hands began to tremble like a leaf and her mind was becoming chaotic. She struggled with plenty of questions going on in her mind.

'Did Tara want to impose a restarting order on someone?'

'Was it for Kunj? No..No.. it's impossible '

Kunj can never do something to hurt someone, definitely not Tara.

Twinkle was aware how much he loved her.Her eyes wandered senselessly in front of her, thinking of all the possibilities but she quickly gathered herself and looked down to read through the rest of the page instead of jumping into baseless conclusions.

Her eyes ran over the letter typed on the sheet. After a couple of seconds, her eyes got attention of the name that managed to knock her breath out.

"ABHISHEK". 'A restarting order against Abhishek?' There was no details other than Tara and Abhishek's name on it along with the information that Abhishek would be imprisoned for two years if he tried to talk to or see Tara.

"Why would Tara want to impose a restarting order against Abhishek?"
"What did he do to her?"
She asked herself. As much as she hated it, she quickly grabbed Tara's diary from the shelf and opened to read it.

If there were any answers to all her questions, it had to be in here. She didn't think much and began to flip through the pages and randomly landed on a page where her eyes got attention of Abhishek's name written in Tara's neat cursive writing. It was dated five years back.


Abhi and I had another argument today. He was mad at me for talking to Rohit at the bar. I don't understand why he was so angry with me for talking to Rohit. He is my childhood friend and i was happy to see him after so many years. We were just talking and not flirting with each other but like always, Abhi mistook it. It hurts whenever he doesn't trust me when all I do is to trust him blindly.

I hope he will learn to trust me one day.


She had ended the note with a sad smiley. Twinkle felt sad for her and turned over the page.


Yesterday night Abhi apologized to me saying that he was a jerk to me. He kept saying that he was sorry and didn't mean any of the words he spoke to me. He said he felt jealous when he saw me with someone else and was scared of losing me. My heart instantly melted listening to him and my anger on him vanished into thin air. I forgave him and we ended up having an amazing make up sex.

I hope we stay like this forever, happy and smiling


On the next few pages,Tara seemed to be happy, staying with Abhishek. She had described about the trips they had gone together, some heated conversation like any other normal couple and then about lots of sex, which Twinkle thought was too wild and rough for her liking, some of which were against Tara's own will.

With a grimace, Twinkle flipped the pages where Tara had written that she and Abhishek were having a lot of arguments. They talked less and argued more. He was becoming more possessive and dominant over her. She had to ask his permission for literally everything that she wanted to do.

She had even stopped going out with her friends because of him. He didn't like her talking to her best friend, Tanya over the phone and kept saying that she was bad influence on Tara. If she ever went out, it was only with Abhishek and he took her out only to meet his friends circle.

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