18.You are my angel 😇

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Avantika didn't like the Idea of Sudha staying at her son's home at all. She agreed that Sudha was his mother in law but that was before.Now ,Kunj was married to Twinkle.She would only put them in awkward situation by staying with them.She didn't understand why Sudha was planning to stay with them when there were so many people to look after Ansh.

The main reason she left to her daughter's house was to give newly- weds some privacy.She wasn't there when Sudha suggested staying with them or else she would have never allowed that to happen.She knew that this woman was nothing but pure trouble in the form of a human being.

She didn't want her sweet Twinkle to
suffer by being with that woman and being the silent one, Twinkle would never be able to handle Sudha.So,she called her plans of going back to Amaira.

Ansh spent three nights at the hospital and in those three nights, he was miserable and cranky due to pain and sedatives in his body.

He clung to Twinkle the whole time that he was awake and whenever he was asleep he wanted to be within Twinkle's warmth .The moment she got away from his sleeping form ,he would stir up and cry, asking for his mumma.

Due to all the crying, he also caught a cold which just intensified the severity of the situation further.

Natasha visited every morning with her parents and each time Ansh refused to greet them or even look at them ,they complained that he behaved better, when Twinkle was not there and also she was spoiling his life by over-pampering him.

Twinkle tried to take no notice to their words .She had much better jobs to do.She stayed at hospital, with minimal to no sleep every day.Each night,Kunj went back home since only one person was allowed to stay with patient.He would wait for the night to pass so that he would go back to his family in the morning.

Twinkle understood that Ansh was going through traumatic shock due to accident and realised that it would be impossible to leave him with Lily . She claimed her medical leave and took two weeks off from college to be at home with Ansh.

After three days,Ansh was discharged.
Twinkle carried him out of hospital room while Kunj went to settle the bills and finished all the formalities.

K-Hello you two! Ready to go back home?
Kunj extended his hands to take Ansh from Twinkle .He looked up to his dad's voice only to rest his face back against Twinkle's neck , silently refusing to leave her.Kunj sighed and ruffled his hairs
K-Give her a break buddy.

T- It's alright.He is just undergoing separation anxiety ,i guess. He will be back to normal within a week .

Twinkle assured Kunj as she passed him the bag that was hung on her shoulder.

K-I hope so.
He huffed and walked them to the parking lot.

When they reached home,Sudha was already there before them, sipping her tea and talking over the phone .

A-Welcome home, baby.
Avantika kissed Ansh as she opened the door for them .
'Twinkle take him in his room and make him rest till breakfast is ready '

T-Ji mom.
She went straight to his room to give him a warm bath.She carefully slipped his shirt out of his arms and poured the warm water gently on his body.

After bath, Twinkle wrapped him in a towel and placed him on the bed .She dressed him in a button up shirt.

T-What do you want to do now, baby?
She rested her head against the headboard and asked him.

A- 'Play,play' .
He pointed at the box which had his toy cars. Twinkle's lips curved up into a smile.

T- Okay then, let's play.
She was happy that he was a little better after coming back home.She brought the toy box and tilted it a bit so that Ansh could choose whatever he wanted.He took out two of his favourite cars and handed one to his mumma before rolling his car on the bed making "vroom-vroom" sound.

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