7.A New Beginning 💕

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Next morning Twinkle woke up to the soft sobs of Ansh.Kunj was in deep slumber and Twinkle didn't want to disturb him.She carefully placed her pillow and blanket on bed beside Kunj so that Avantika doesn't make another big fuzz for not sharing bed with her son.

Kunj stirred on bed and eventually went back to sleep.Twinkle silently opened the door and rushed into Ansh's room.

She saw him rubbing his small chubby fist over his eye.

T-Hey baby, what's wrong?Did you have a bad dream?
She carried him gently and he placed his head against her neck.She started to rock while patting on his back softly which caused him to fall asleep instantly.

Kunj thought that he heard some voice from Ansh's room and when he got out of bed,he saw the couch on which Twinkle slept last night was empty.

He bolted to his son's room only to see Twinkle standing there with Ansh in her arms.As soon as her eyes fell upon Kunj,she brought her forefinger near her lips signaling him to be quiet as she continued patting Ansh's back.

Kunj stood there for a few minutes and watched her putting a sleeping Ansh on his bed.She covered him with blanket before coming out of room.

K-What happened?
He asked as soon as she came out of room

T-I heard him crying and you were in deep sleep.That's why i didn't woke you up. Sorry....
She thought he would be mad at her for not informing about Ansh

K- Oh sorry,i didn't hear his cries.Umm thanks for checking on him.

T(smiled)- No problem.

After that Kunj went to living room to get some more minutes of sleep as it was too early to wake up, while Twinkle went to take a shower.She quickly got ready and by the time she came out of room, Avantika was already in kitchen preparing breakfast for everyone.
Twinkle helped her with whatever little work was left and when she was placing the dishes on the table,she heard Ansh's groggy voice.

"Dada" She watched him as walked near couch with his Mr Bunny soft toy tucked under his arm.

Hey baby,you woke up Kunj cooed softly stretching his hands towards him,still laying on couch.When he was in his reach he effortlessly swept him off the floor and laid him over his chest.

Good morning buddy,Kunj greeted Ansh with a kiss on his golden brown hairs and wound both of his arms around his small body.

Twinkle's heart get defrosted looking at the scene in front of her of her eyes.
She stood there like a fool until she heard Avantika's voice behind her,

A-'Hey boys wake up now, breakfast is ready.'

As much as Twinkle hated it she had to tore away her gaze from Kunj and Ansh and went inside the kitchen to bring the plates.

In the next few minutes,both got freshen up. Kunj placed Ansh on his lap to feed him his porridge when Ansh started pointing at Twinkle,asking her to feed him instead.

Twinkle remembered how Kunj got mad at her previous morning when she offered to clean his place.Fearing
he would do the same,she shifted her eyes to Kunj but surprisingly he was looking at her as is asking her if could feed Ansh.

Twinkle came forward and sat on the chair beside them.When she was about to carry Ansh,he straight away refused to get away from his dada by hugging Kunj's waist tightly but still he wanted to be fed by Twinkle.

Pressing her lips in a thin line Twinkle started feeding him from where she was sitting.She felt a little awkward to move her chair closer to them.So she had to stretch her hand each time to bring it closer to Ansh's mouth.Seeing her discomfort Kunj moved his chair closer to her causing his knees to brush against hers slightly.
Twinkle tried to remain unaffected by the simple contact of their clothed skin but her body heat began to shoot up instantly with those butterflies back in her abdomen.

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