2 | The Silver in the Darkness

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𝓦e stepped out of the car following the crowd towards a massive warehouse. The bass in the distance vibrated against my skin, harder and harder the closer we got.

I thought the party would be held in a house or mansion, but this seemed more fitting. The address Chloe's boyfriend had provided us had forced us into the outskirts of the city, to the industrial side of Indigo, where most of the buildings were abandoned, along with the neighbors.

The fence that once guarded this building was cut and bent and barely stood. Graffiti was sprayed all over and most of the windows were either broken or boarded up, but you could still see hues of purple and red coming through like mist sweeping over the sea.

"Come on." Michelle took my hand and led me inside, following behind Clare and Chloe.

We passed the threshold of the warehouse, the heavy bass enveloping me in its seductive embrace as we entered the surreal scene unfolding before me.

"Woah." This was so different from any party or club I had been to. Not that I had been to many, Jeremy, much like my parents, had always wanted me home.

The air here was foggy, a red hue completely took over the entire place, making it almost too dark to see, but it definitely made for great privacy. The warehouse was filled with people in every corner I looked, a sea of bodies moving in harmonious chaos.

Techno music bounced off the walls, through the air, pulsating with an electric energy that seemed to charge the atmosphere. The dance floor quivered under the weight of countless feet, its rhythmic tide of motion pulled me deeper into its currents.

My body instinctively responded to the mesmerizing beats.

"This is amazing!" Michelle shouted over the music.

I nodded my head, enthralled by it all.

I was captivated by the kaleidoscope of sights that surrounded me. The red mist that danced through the air, casting an ethereal glow upon the sea of dancers. Lights strobed and swirled, like the emotions surging within me.

Although the scene was definitely underground, there was still a makeshift bar. We all made our way over, ordering shots, and as a group we toasted.

I toasted to newfound freedom, taking charge, and hopefully getting laid tonight. Michelle toasted to having a group of amazing friends and a great boyfriend. Chloe to us and the fun we had to have tonight. And Clare toasted to amazing dick and great sex.

We drank and hit the dance floor, blending into the mesh of dancers. The music was so loud there was nothing else to focus on and I loved it. The dance floor was like a surreal realm where inhibitions melted away, and became a sacred space of liberation.

I was drawn to the bodies beside me, watching as they lost themselves in the music, their bodies becoming conduits for raw emotion and primal desires. Each moment spoke of freedom, a rebellion against societal constraints, much like I craved.

Like the countless others, I moved my body to the beat, allowing myself to be swept up in the ambiance, my inhibitions melting away like the mask I'd worn for so long. I surrendered to the music, my body moving in synchrony of the pulsating rhythms. It coursed through my veins, awakening a dormant energy that had long yearned for release.

Moisture pooled between my breasts. I continued. Dazed from the adrenaline and alcohol making its way to my stomach.

I began to feel hot. An unfamiliar heat began to course through my veins. It was molten fire, igniting with every fiber of my being with an intensity I had never known. With each movement, each sway of my hips, the desire within me grew stronger, its flames licking at the edges of my consciousness.

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