10 | Devilish in a Suit

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𝓜y hands were clasped, running down the length of a man's hard abs.

Goodness, this man was built. He must spend countless hours at the gym!

He stopped my hand by his groin, smiling as he teased my hand around his bulge. I went red. All the while the girls hollered and wooed, shoving bills into his waistline for me as my hands were occupied.

The male dancer swiftly spread my legs and ground between them. Oh Gods, I laughed. This was absolutely absurd. How could anyone take this seriously? But I suppose this was a good laugh though.

Beside me, another male dancer was working on Clare and Chloe. Both of them had the widest smiles on their faces. And Chloe, who had looked crestfallen most of the car ride was now beaming with joy.

Michelle who'd initially not been thrilled about being surrounded by strippers, eventually loosened up and cheered us on.

I focused back on the man before me. He was so full of muscle, a little too much, but nonetheless it was nice. I'd never seen a man so fit...well, except for Eros, but he hadn't let me do much last time but grope him.

My mind briefly wandered to him in his cop uniform. I'm sure there was some hard defined muscle under there. He'd lifted me so easily, filled out that uniform with strength. My body shivered just at the thought of him, something not any of the men in this club could do.

I needed to get my mind off of him.

As soon as my dancer left, I took the chance to distract myself.

I looked around, seeing all the drink-girls busy. "I'm gonna go get us drinks."

"Grab me a Hurricane!" Clare requested without removing her gaze from the male performer dancing on her.

"Oh, can you get me one too?" Chloe smiled at me.

"Of course." I glanced at Michelle. "You want anything too?"

"A lemon drop please."

I nodded my head as I made my way towards the bar. The pulsating music filled the air as I swayed and moved through the crowd on the dance floor. Laughter and cheers blended harmoniously with the music, creating a sweet symphony of joy. Tonight was turning out to be really fun and I was glad to see Chloe was cheering up.  Since our college days, Chloe had always been the nicest girl and she deserved a sweet man.

Finally, I reached the bar, catching the eyes of the male bartender whose playful gaze eyed me up and down. I ordered my drinks. He was kinda cute, but not my type.

"That's a lot for you to carry. Do you have a table?"

I nodded my head. "16."

"I'll have one of the girls take them there."

"Thanks. How much?"

"On the house." He winked at me.

Well alright, I'd scored us some free drinks!

As I turned around, ready to make my way back to my friends, a sea of dancing bodies stood between me and my destination. The dance floor seemed even more packed than before, the infectious energy of the club drawing more people to its vibrant center.

A part of me wondered if I should just join the crowd and lose myself to the music. Or maybe I could get the girls to join me. The temptation to stay and dance was strong, but I already ordered our drinks and my girls were waiting for me at our table.

So the second I saw an opening, I moved in and began navigating my way through the throng of dancers. Though the crowd was heavy, something caught my attention out of the corner of my eyes. A figure, partially obscured by the lights and dancers, was watching me intently. I could feel it. 

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