14 | You Aren't Sorry

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𝓘 think my brain had broken, and consequently, my body, because I couldn't speak or move.

I was still wrapping my mind around the fact that Eros had a twin brother. A twin brother that I had almost gone all the way with.

"You.Fucking.Asshole!" The words just slipped out of my mouth as I locked my glare with Aries ash-colored eyes.

Aries! Like the damned god of war himself, I felt a war brewing within me. I should have listened to my instincts when they whispered that he felt different from Eros.

The air of chaos Aries carried around him should have served as a warning, but now, with both men before me, the differences were more evident.

Aries had slightly longer midnight locks, a faint dimple on that infuriating smirk, and a lighter hue in his gray eyes.

I marched towards him, "Why the fuck didn't you tell me?!"

"You didn't ask, sweetheart." He crossed his arms, frowning as if I was the one in the wrong!

"That gives you no right to kiss me!"

"Oh, we did more than that." he taunted with a smile, his voice dripping with arrogance.

"You son of a bitch!" I launched at him, my fists clenched in rage, but Eros caught me around the waist, restraining me. "Let me go!" I struggled against his grip, watching as Aries took a seat on his couch, a look of intrigue adorning his face. That infuriating smirk plastered his face as if he was holding back a smile.

Did he find this amusing?!

"Eva." Eros tried to calm me.

My gaze snapped to his, a mixture of anger and hurt still swirled within me, too much to just let it all go. "No, you know what." I pulled out of his grasp, stepping away from both men. "You stay away from me too."

I turned away, trying to rush down the steps and put some distance between myself and the chaos these two men had brought into my life.

"Eva, wait." Eros called after me.

I should've ignored him, and kept going, but my anger and curiosity got the better of me. "How did you even know where I was?" I lashed back around to face him. "And why aren't you more furious that your damn brother tricked me—"

His hand closed around my arm, pausing me. Gently, he scooted me closer to the wall. His own frustration was evident in the deep furrow of his brow. "You don't think I'm furious about that?" He said through gritted teeth.

"You don't seem like it."

"Because I wasn't sure if...if maybe..." His voice trailed off, the unspoken words hanging in the air.

Oh, I couldn't help the way my brow rose as I caught on to his train of thought. "You thought I knew he wasn't you?"

His silence confirmed it.

I shook my head. For the first time tonight, I felt something other than anger— a tinge of sympathy for Eros. "I only kissed him because I thought he was you, Eros."

Though he said nothing, he let me go and I could see the tension ease from his face. He nodded in understanding, and then unexpectedly, he took hold of my hand, taking me by surprise. "We should talk. I'll take you home." He offered.

His hand felt warm in mine, and a sense of ease instantly washed over me. The rage I had felt oddly seemed to dissipate under his gaze, between his touch, and I couldn't help but question my own conflicted emotions. What was wrong with me? I had every right to say no and yet the thought of doing so only brought me a pang of heartache.

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