27 | No one...But You

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𝓝oon rolled around slowly. I was bored out of my mind. I'd turned off the television. Enjoyed some fresh air on the porch, and now I was walking around.

The sound of a muffled bass caught my attention. I headed towards the south wing downstairs where most of the amenities were.

I followed the music until I stood outside the gym doors. We hadn't stepped inside when Eros had given me the tour, I'd only glimpsed it from the door, so what better time to check it out than now?

I opened the double doors and was surprised by the size. This room was the size of the gymnasiums in town. There were all sorts of machines, mats, and even sparring tools and weapons.

The music was hooked up to a seat of speakers hidden somewhere in the ceiling, yet I could still hear the sound of a chain clanking to my right. I followed the noise and found Aries, shirtless and sweaty, working out with intense focus. His muscles glistened in the light, tattoos lined part of right arm and chest, as he swung at a punching bag.

"Are you just gonna keep staring at me?" He stopped the swaying of the punching bag with both hands and turned to face me.

Those silver eyes were like daggers, piercing me in place.

"How did you know I was here?"

"I scented you the second you were walking down the stairs." He smirked.

I tilt my head, about to ask him what the hell he was talking about, but he spoke first.

"I'm joking, Eva." His smirk turned into a childish smile, but his eyes, they narrowed, and that made me feel anxious. "What are you doing here?" He added.

"I'm bored."

"You're welcome to work out with me."

I looked down at my baggy shirt and soft leggings that were more suited for a nap. "Umm, I don't really have any workout clothes."

He stood straight, sailing his grays up and down my outfit. "Come on." He walked past me.

I quickly followed him out the door, trying to catch up as we made our way to the foyer. "Hazel!" he called out and she quickly showed up from the north wing. Likely the kitchen.

"Yes, sir?"

"Did Miss Alvarez's things arrive?"

What things?

"The final package just arrived a few moments ago. Shall we bring them up now?"

Aries nodded his head.

A moment later Hazel and a couple maids showed up with a trolly, filled with a bunch of boxes.

"What is all that?" I watched as the maids loaded things into an elevator and headed up for my floor and my room. "What are they doing?"

Aries only smiled.

I headed upstairs into my room, watching as the maids went back and forth. Placing box after box into my room, until finally the last box was set and I had almost an entire wall stacked with boxes.

"I figured most of your things were damaged in the fire." Aries said, leaning by the doorframe. "So I ordered everything I thought you might need."

"What?! Are you crazy!" I marched towards him. "Return all this!" I prodded his chest, but Aries surprised me by taking my wrist in his hand.

"So frail." He held up my wrist to his face as if examining the broken wing of a bird. He pulled me closer and I stumbled towards him. " Get dressed, meet me downstairs, and if I missed anything, have Hazel order it."

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