9 | Ethereal

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𝓘 rubbed my temples as I set the last of my paperwork away. The work day was over and the weekend had finally arrived, offering me a much-needed break from the monotony of my daily routine.

I needed to go home, because that ache was back.

It had been three whole weeks since that night with Eros, and I couldn't get him out of my damn head. His presence remained firmly etched in my mind. I couldn't shake the memories of him no matter how hard I tried. And I tried.

I tried drowning him out with toys, erotic books, filthy videos, but nothing made me feel the rush that he had, nor the pleasure I was craving. The heat just wasn't there. He became a constant presence in my thoughts and perhaps that was why I couldn't focus on myself when he took up all the space in there.

It was frustrating. Every time I saw a cop drive by, every time I heard a siren—my body inadvertently quivered with need.

I couldn't even watch my favorite tv show anymore, because the cops on the show just made me think about how hot he looked in his uniform.

Amidst the piles of paperwork on my desk, I found myself yearning for something more, something beyond the mundane tasks that consume my days. I wondered what Eros was doing right now? Was he thinking about me too, or had I become a mere passing memory to him? The uncertainty gnawed at me, and it always left me the same—longing.

Exhaustion settled deep within me, not only from the demanding workload, or the constant thinking of Eros, but also from the chaotic dreams that had been plaguing my dreams. Ever since my encounter with Eros, my dreams had taken an erratic and restless nature, leaving me feeling drained, but also somewhat satisfied.

Sometimes I was a dominatrix at a club, other times I was tied up being spanked, but each time I'd lose control and spiral into a nightmare, and Red—my untamed desire—would have to come and save me...except lately Red looked different.

Red had transformed into an unsettling shade of purple, mirroring the shifting emotions within me. I think it had changed color as a reflection of my own sadness and desire being unmet, a manifestation of the emotions that consumed my waking hours.  Purple was as unhappy as my vagina. Hence the sad color.

"Ahh." With a heavy sigh, I closed my binder and shut down my laptop. "What am I gonna do to get you out of my mind?" I rested my head on my desk.

Even though three weeks had gone by, everytime I closed my eyes, I could picture him clearly, my body could remember that night vividly; that intense gaze, the electricity that sparked between us, the way his touch made me feel.

I craved him...but I also hated him. Even after running over all the events of that night, I still didn't understand what the heck had happened. He hadn't offered me a single explanation. He simply drove me home without another word and I never heard from him again.

Why had he pulled away when it seemed things were going good? Maybe he had some demons of his own?

Whatever the case was, I was allowed to dislike him for it, right?

My phone sounded off beside me and I peeked at the message from Clare.

    'Shawn broke up with Chloe, we're going to Ethereal!'

Ethereal? That was the new club that had opened up in town. A lot of people were talking about it and from what I heard, that might be a great place to cheer up Chloe. Besides, the timing couldn't be more perfect—a chance for me to also escape the constant thoughts of Eros.

I quickly gathered my belongings and left the confines of my workplace behind. A flicker of excitement sparked within me. Tonight I want to dance the thought of Eros away and welcome the exhilaration of the unknown.

As I lowered the sleeves of my dress, I looked at the faint little scar on my arm. The scar blondie had left me with.

After seeing all that blood, I really thought I'd have a killer scar, but oddly enough, the wound had healed fast. I'd unwrapped it the next day and expected a mess, but it had already sealed. Eros must have done a great job of cleaning it.

I could barely even see it now, which I was thankful for because I didn't need a permanent reminder of that night. Especially tonight.

Tonight was about cheering Chloe up...and leaving my worries behind.

The initial anticipation I had felt leaving work had dwindled the second I got home. I needed a night out for another reason all together. Jeremy was driving me nuts. He'd been flooding my phone with calls and texts the past couple of weeks. And the second I was off work, he began flooding me with  calls once more.

I hated that he knew my schedule.

I finally blocked him after he refused to take the hint that I was done with him. I really didn't want to hear his excuses. He hurt me badly, but in a way, I was glad he had shown me his true colors before it was too late. And as I looked at myself in the mirror, determination flooded my veins. I liked who I was becoming and I refused to go back to the girl I was when I was with Jeremy.

I placed my phone in my purse, put on my favorite necklace, and gave myself a once over. My phone went off and I headed out knowing it was Clare. She'd opted to drive us all tonight, which was fine with me because I needed a few drinks.

My mood instantly lifted hearing my girls whistling and cat-calling me as I made my way over and once in the car, we were all laughing and singing as usual until we made our way to the club.

Ethereal was located downtown, amongst the historic buildings,  along a strip of other bars and venues. It was the largest building in the corner and oddly it was beautiful.

The inside, however, was a different story. Not hideous, but definitely unexpected. I thought this was a nightclub, but at the far end of the club were stripper poles with various dancers. The front of the club had the dancefloor, bar, and lounge areas.

The exterior may have been antiquated, but it was completely luxurious on the inside.  Perfectly mixing both the modern and classic architecture of the building.

"Come on!" Clare held her sister's hand as she urged us to the far end.

Of course we were headed for the strippers.

A/N: FYI this is similar to the dress, Eva is wearing. Not that you need to be aware of the details, like where the openings are 😏

 Not that you need to be aware of the details, like where the openings are 😏

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