15 | More than a Contract

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𝓣he light turned green and Eros let go of me, continuing to focus on the drive.

"Your ex has been following you for a few weeks now. Did you know that?"

Oh my god, how does he even know who my ex is? How much does this guy know? Is this why people say don't date cops? Because they have no respect for privacy?

I was outraged...yet at the same time nervous, and scared. Because I had no idea Jeremy had been stalking me. I knew he'd been trying to call me and he'd even shown up today, but I had been completely clueless as to his whereabouts and suddenly his earlier threat made me feel more nervous.

"No, I didn't know that." I sat back in my seat. "Do you know what he wants?"

"What else but you."

I scoffed. "That's ironic." I muttered.


"Because technically he's the one who dumped me."

"What an idiot."

"I couldn't agree more." A small smile tugged at my lips seeing Eros share my disdain for Jeremy, but the feeling of dread once more returned to my chest. "I ran into him today, at your brother's club." I don't know why I admitted that to him, but it made me feel a little more peaceful knowing Eros knew.

Yes he'd invaded my privacy. I should be pissed at him, but I just had this feeling deep in my gut, that at least if Eros knew, it would somehow ensure my protection.

"I know." Eros said to my surprise. "My brother wasn't the only reason I headed straight to you."

I suppose if it came between Eros and Jeremy, I would rather have Eros watching over me. Jeremy's behavior had become increasingly unpredictable, and he knew my schedule well—from what time I left for work to when I returned home and even when I slept.

I'd have to make sure to switch all the locks in my house.

Maybe having Eros watch over me wasn't such a bad idea? At least until the situation with Jeremy was resolved...but I still wasn't comfortable with the idea. Jeremy was an asshole, but not a bad person. I was certain that if I just called him, and talked it out, he'd leave me alone for good. If I could even reach him now. Aries had given him quite the scare.

"Look, I appreciate you looking after me, but I would like it if you didn't have me followed anymore. I can handle Jeremy on my own, and if I need your help, I'll just call your number."

"You don't have my number, Eva."

"Sure I do." I smiled mischievously. "It's just three numbers: 9-1-1." I tried to hold back a laugh, hoping to lighten the tension between us. We had almost reached my house and I knew my time with him was coming to a close.

Eros rolled his eyes, the corners of his lips twitching with a hint of amusement. He continued to drive in silence, navigating the familiar streets until we reached my driveway. Unsurprisingly, he'd remembered exactly where I lived. The car came to a halt, and we sat there in silence, a weighty pause filling the air.

Should I say something? Should I thank him for tonight or scold him for invading my privacy? Why was he following me in the first place?

But before I could gather my thoughts, Eros surprised me with a question that caught me completely off guard.

"Why didn't you sleep with your ex?" He asked sternly.

For a moment, I wondered how the hell he knew I hadn't slept with my ex, but then I remembered he knew I was a virgin and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

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