22 | Salvage

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𝓐sh. That was essentially all that remained of my once cherished home. The walls that once held so many memories now stood charred and crumbling.

My heart broke as I stood at the entrance of my house. The door was gone and below me there was nothing but burnt wood, glass, and a pile of debris.

"You ready?" Michelle asked.

There was no point in standing here looking at the tragedy that was my former home. It was gone and there was nothing I could do but salvage what little had remained.

"It was a good first home." I murmured.

"I know." Michelle said sympathetically, "If this gets too hard, we can stop." She offered me a reassuring touch on my back.

I nodded.

Michelle handed me a large black plastic bag and then handed one to Clare and Chloe. We all scattered, searching through the ruins.

It was ominous, walking through my home. I should be standing in my living room right now, not its burnt down remains. This room looked the worst and I had a feeling this is where the fire had started.

I carefully sifted through the soot covered debris. Most of my things were either damaged by the fire or the water used to put out the flames.

Seeing all my things so damaged made me want to cry all over again, but I had to recover anything that was still salvageable, not just for myself, but my house insurance that had requested it as well.

There was only one thing I really wanted to find. I dug through the debris, almost losing hope when I saw the corner of a red leather book sticking out from the mess. It was my photo album.

By some miracle, the book had made it.

I pulled it out of the debris.

The book was covered in soot, some of the pages were burnt and a little water damaged, but most of my photos had made it. I could replace most things, but not this, this album held so many memories that I could never buy.

Michelle came over with her bag. I could tell she still had more questions for me. Especially since I had rejected the offer to stay with her. I didn't want to lie to her, but I also knew it was probably better if I didn't tell her the whole truth.

Calling Clare and Chloe over, I decided to tell them that I had someone stalking me and that until Eros found them, I wouldn't be safe and neither would they. I skipped all the parts about how this was partly Eros's fault.

"So that explains all these cops, huh?" Clare looked around.

Eros had ordered another set of officers to watch over me as I picked up items from my house.

"You sure you'll be okay?"

"I'll be fine." I smiled and then looked at my house. "I just can't wait to get back to normal."

We finished salvaging what little was left and once Eros arrived in a black jeep, we decided to call it.

We all headed towards him and the girls handed me their bags.

"Take care of her, officer Blackwell." Michelle told Eros who'd been leaning against his jeep.

"Of course." Eros nodded his head and came over to me. He was still in uniform which told me he'd probably just gotten off duty. He took the bags from my hands and looked back at Michell, Clare and Chloe. "I'll be assigning my own personal guards to watch over you all just in case, in the meantime, some other officers have been assigned to patrol your homes."

"Can you assign that officer to my house?" Clare's eye's shifted to the young fit officer with blonde hair.

Eros eyed him for a moment. "I'm sure he'd be delighted."

"Thanks officer Blackwell." Clare smiled.

With a big hug and a heavy sigh, I said goodbye to my friends, because I wasn't sure when the next time I saw them would be.

Eros put my stuff in the jeep and we took off. I wondered where his muscle car was.

"Where are we headed?"

"Just outside of town." He said without taking his eyes off the road. "I have a place there. It'll be the safest place for you to stay."

I nodded my head, leaning back into the seat. What else was I supposed to say? I didn't really have a choice and as nervous as I felt about spending my time with him, I also knew he would keep me safe, like he promised.

So without another word, we made our way out of Indigo.

A/N: Hehe things are gonna get fun/interesting from here on out. BTW, have you noticed you're already at chapter 22! Can you believe it? No? Well I can! You're already a little more than halfway through the book, so if you've made it this far and are still reading, idk maybe vote 👉👈

 BTW, have you noticed you're already at chapter 22! Can you believe it? No? Well I can! You're already a little more than halfway through the book, so if you've made it this far and are still reading, idk maybe vote 👉👈

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