25 | I'm Sick...I'm Twisted

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𝓣he sound of the television blurred into the background.

Aries had left me with even more questions than I initially had for him. Though we seemed to be on better terms, he wasn't any less secretive than Eros.

Damn, I couldn't stop thinking about what the hell he had meant when he said he didn't want me to fear him. It only made me more curious to know how he knew to rescue me. Had he perhaps been following me? Eros did mention he'd been having me watched. Maybe after our fight he had his brother look after me?

I buried my face into the soft pillows, trying to ease the frustration that clouded my thoughts. I had so many questions and no answers. I was exhausted, but I hadn't been able to sleep since my house burnt down, and I desperately needed to rest.

My eyes inevitably closed, and for long moments I was floating in a dark empty space, feeling calm and peaceful until the darkness began to collide with me. Each bump lit up a spark of light, like a match striking in the shadows, until I was running from a fire.

A massive flame that chased me no matter where I went. I ran through a house, panicked by the shadows that lurked in the corners and laughed at me.


I dashed down the hallway, rolling to avoid the hands of fire that reached out to burn me. Reaching my front door, I twisted the knob and stumbled out, only to find there was no more ground. I was falling, screaming in the abyss until I inevitably hit the ground.

I sat up, looking at the bars that surrounded me.

I was in a cage.

A massive cage and there was nothing but fire surrounding the outside.

I curled up as the fire drew closer. The bars whined under the heat.


My eyes burst open, seeing a shadow above me. A red shadowy hand stretched out and I took it. Immediately, I was hauled up, flipped upside down, and was plopped onto a bed.

There was no more fire, no more cage, at least not an actual cage, but I had considered this room my prison for many years and it felt odd to be here again.

My childhood room.

The posters and pictures stood out amongst the blue walls. My vanity was strewn with a mess of makeup that my parents had always scolded me for wearing, but I wore anyway. My backpack was thrown against the moon chair beside my bed where Red sat.

"I hate this place, Red." I laid back onto the bed.

I groaned, looking at the ceiling I'd plastered with an assortment of stickers on. "Although I suppose this is better than that fire." I sighed.

Then an idea popped into my twisted brain. I sat up, looking at my room. "You know, I always had to hide what I was up to. My parents were always so snoopy... but they're not here now, huh?" I smiled to myself as Red just sat there, but I could sense it staring right at me and I was reminded of the last time I touched it.

My little red shadow of desire.

Eros had once said I had a lot of pent up lust, and oh look, here it was, sitting beside me.

"I remember how badly I wanted to touch myself after reading such naughty books." I narrowed my eyes. "I remember covering my mouth to hold back my moans as I forced myself to go to bed. You remember that right, Red? Afterall, I'm sure that's what made you." I scooted a little closer to Red. "All that pent up desire."

"I guess we don't have to worry about being shy anymore." I sat back on my knees and tugged my shirt up and over my head. I felt a lick of heat radiate from Red.

Oh yes. Red was my desire.

And this should feel as amazing as it would be liberating.

I leaned back and slid my panties off, throwing them on a pile on the floor and spread my legs. "I always wanted to do this." I looked at Red. "Feel free to help me out." I leaned my head back between my shoulders and dove my hand between my legs.

My fingers stroked the sensitive skin, gently teasing myself until I felt the bundle of nerves between my thighs swell and I gave it a subtle pinch. My eyes rolled from the sensation. It felt so good.

I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling as I found my clit and began to slowly rub it against my middle and index finger. I could see the door to my room, remembering how I used to fear my parents would barge in on me reading. I had always asked for privacy but it was never given, not when I was 18, not when I was nineteen, not when I was 20.

I didn't get privacy until I convinced them to let me move for college, but now I had nothing to fear.

I rubbed harder, in fast circles. My other hand found my breast and I squeezed.

Fuck, it felt so fucking good to moan out loud and I made sure not to suppress any sounds of desire that escaped me. I wanted to fill the room with the echo of my moans, the sound of me pleasuring myself.

I looked to the side and caught my reflection in the vanity mirror. The sight made my insides clench and instinctively, I slid my fingers over my sex and then plunged two fingers inside me.

It was nowhere near as filling as Eros's fingers... or Aries's, but it was something and I watched as I fingered myself, feeling how my core tightly clenched around my fingers.

It reminded me of the time Eros had fingered me in my bedroom, telling me how tightly I clung to him and now I had an understanding of the warmth and tightness he felt within me.

I clenched my core as I continued to thrust, feeling an orgasm begin to build when I thought about that night in my bedroom... and then, another filthy thought filled me, compelled my fingers to move a little faster.

Eros wasn't the only one that night that had touched me... so had Aries.

And that thought, that memory, tortured my soul.

I shouldn't be thinking about him... but I was. I was touching myself to the memory of Eros touching me, but also his brother.

My eyes shut.

I remembered Eros torturing me with that vibrator... then I remembered Aries wrapping his belt around my neck as he fingered me.

I'm sick... I'm twisted... and I'm about to come.

As my fingers worked inside me, I moaned, "Eros..." and cried out, "Aries..." when my clit suddenly started pulsing harder, throbbing against a fiery touch.

My eyes opened to find Red standing between my legs. My shadow of desire was between my legs, and I reached for it, but my hands couldn't move, and I realized with shock that they were suddenly tied. My fingers were no longer between my legs, but I still felt a pressure directly over my clit, getting stronger and stronger, pulsing, and simultaneously suctioning, until my back was completely off the bed and I screamed as I finally exploded.

Moaning loudly in hopes that the sounds would mark the walls, like I had soaked the sheets. The room that had served as a prison to my desires, was no more. I'd marred it, tainted it, and it felt great.

My body finally lowered against the bed, feeling breathless, but I swore as I looked between my legs where Red stood that I could feel a tongue, still lapping up the remnants of my desire.


I abruptly woke up.

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