Chapter 14 Alice's Accidental Imprisonment

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"Ronnie, didn't you want to go sailing with me last time? come with me today when you are on vacation!" Alice said to Ronnie and Michiko.

"Sis, I was just about to tell you when you opened your mouth, we really have a heart to heart."

"Then you two get ready, we're leaving in ten minutes."

Ronnie found a hat and sunglasses to put on, while Michiko applied sunscreen to her body.

"Michiko, what are you wearing?" Ronnie asked curiously when he saw her.

"Sunscreen to protect my skin from tanning."

"Put some on me too!"

"Forget it for you, you're so dark it's useless to put it on."

"You're such a cheapskate."

"Okay then! I'll put some on you too."

"Michiko, no wonder you are so white, you use sunscreen all the time."

"I'm a girl, no one will want me if I'm too dark."

"Nobody wants you even if you are so white now!" Ronnie said with a cheeky grin.

"Fuck off!"

Michiko said angrily.

In a lively atmosphere, the three of them left the Umbrella House with their boating gear, went to the beach and boarded the boat again, Ronnie even brought his newly painted flag this time and stuck it on the cabin as he said to Alice, "Sister, can we go further this time to catch more fish?"

"I think so too, and this time we can go further with both of you."

The boat was three nautical miles out when Alice suddenly said, "Let's do it right here, you two work in groups and drop the net on the left."

Ronnie and Michiko dropped their nets as they were told, then sat down on the edge of the boat and waited quietly. After about fifteen minutes, Ronnie asked, "Sister, can we pull the net now?"

"Okay, let's pull the net at the same time!" When she said that, Alice grabbed one corner of the fishing net tightly, Ronnie and Michiko pulled the other end, the three of them exerted force at the same time and slowly pulled the net up, as the net gradually rose, the mood of the three of them became more and more tense and expectant, when the net was all exposed to the water, the first thing that came into sight was a tuna, its scales glistening in the sunlight. "Sis, what kind of fish is that?" Ronnie asked, pointing to another larger and longer sea fish.

"It's called a big ling, and it's very fierce, so you have to be careful."

Michiko, however, was interested in a sea turtle and wanted to catch it, but hesitated for fear of being bitten. They threw the tuna and the big ling into a big bucket, and Alice spoke up, "All right, let's go down the net one more time and go home!"

"Sister, why don't we drop the net a few more times?" Ronnie couldn't help but ask.

"Ronnie, this is a good day's catch, you can't be too greedy, because if you catch them all, you won't have any fish to catch next time. This is a creed that the old fishermen have passed down from generation to generation and guarded all their lives."

"I can't imagine that there are so many rules for being a fisherman."

"Of course, every industry has its own rules, and we can't break them," Alice said.

The three of them cast another net, this time catching a few small fish, Ronnie picked up two slightly larger ones, the others were all thrown back into the sea, and then they sailed back to the beach and went ashore, carrying the fishing gear and the caught fish back to the Umbrella House.

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