Chapter 53 Reformer 1

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The second match began in the afternoon. This time, it was another humanoid robot playing against "Reformer 1", which also had a dominating name: "Fracture Vanguard". Fracture Vanguard was covered in gold, had a whale head, and a pair of 20-centimeter long sharp claws. When the referee blew his whistle, the fierce battle began. This time, Reformer 1 used a defensive tactic. Fracture Vanguard lunged forward with its sharp claws raised high, the Reformer punched it in the stomach, but unexpectedly, the opponent bounced him three meters away with a jerk, the Reformer was a bit surprised, he could only run quickly, circled the opponent and kicked him in the back. "Fracture Vanguard" stumbled and fell to the ground first, the people outside the arena thought it would get up quickly, but after two minutes, it was still on its back, not moving. "Is it dead?" someone speculated. The referee had no choice but to declare Reformer 1 the winner. There was an immediate chorus of boos and comments from outside the arena. "What the hell! this isn't helping! turns out all that golden light all over his body is just for show."

"It's bad enough that this robot is being shown off."

"Turns out it was painted all over its body to look good, so when it fell to the ground, it would look even more handsome."

Ronnie and the others outside the arena were also a little surprised that this match had been won so easily. In the 9,822 City-states, the Reformer had two more matches, both of which he won easily. Finally, he entered the second round in first place. There were a total of twelve matches in the second round, and Ronnie's team won eleven and lost one. That loss came against a three-time You City champion, a flying robot bee: You City's "Stinger of Death." Reformer 1 was defeated in that match, and Stinger of Death kept shooting arrows into the air. When Reformer 1 tried to jump, it flew higher. Ronnie on the outside of the arena saw that there was no hope of winning, so he raised the white flag and surrendered. At the end of the second round of the tournament, they went into the finals in You City in second place. The final was held two days later at Dream Square in Zi City. Summing up the tournament, Ronnie said, "It seems that if we want to do well in the finals, we need to improve Reformer 1."

"Do you have any good ideas, Slag Man?" Lily asked.

"What if we put the 'Enlightenment Chip' into 'Reformer 1' so that it has the ability to learn and upgrade itself?"

"Huh! that's a good idea, boss," Crockett praised.

Lily nodded, "Then let's modify it right away, we only have one day before we have to leave tomorrow."

The three of them immediately threw themselves into the task of upgrading. They were busy for a whole day, and the next day the upgrade was completed. The three of them gave it a new name, "Reformer 2". Ronnie called Alice, Yurina and Butch, plus George and Brown, a total of eight people, to go to Zi City. They had to take a plane to get from You City to Zi City, which was on an island in East Africa. After a flight of over two hours, they arrived on the island. George and Brown went ahead and found out the rules of the game and told Ronnie, which were as follows:

Game 1: Held on the morning of December 28th, 36 people were randomly divided into 18 groups for an elimination round, with the winners advancing to the next round.

Game 2: Held in the afternoon of December 28th, 18 people will be randomly divided into 6 groups, with the first of the 6 groups advancing to the next round.

Game 3: On the morning of December 29th, 6 people will be randomly divided into 3 groups, with the winners advancing to the next round.

Game 4: December 30th, morning and afternoon, 3 people will play 2 games each, the referee will decide the winner according to the number of points.

The "Dream Plaza" was located in the center of the central district of Zi City, almost twice the size of the "Sea of Dreams" where Ronnie was. The words "Continue Unceasingly, Without Stopping" were hung above the plaza. A huge shadow was cast over the square, sometimes a forest, sometimes a castle. When Ronnie's eight people entered the central area, it was a green meadow. Yurina, who was holding her stomach, saw this and took off her shoes and ran into the grass, shouting in surprise, "All this grass is real!"

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