Chapter 24 Unwelcome Guests on the Island

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"Good morning!" Ronnie was much more disciplined and polite now since he had upset Michiko with his last joke.

Michiko frowned and said coldly, "You've become so polite now, it's not like the usual you, I still prefer the original Ronnie."

Ronnie didn't know what to say back and just kept his mouth shut, luckily at that time Alice came over and said to the two of them, "What are you talking about early in the morning? why don't you come over and have some breakfast?"

Hearing this, the two of them got up and walked over to the simple dining table made of tree branches and sat on their butts, and since there were no chairs, the three of them could only sit cross-legged. Today's breakfast was a large crab and some small dried fish, Alice first peeled the crab shell and then broke the crab meat into two halves and gave them to Ronnie and Michiko, respectively, and ate the small dried fish herself. Michiko was in a bad mood because Ronnie's attitude towards her just now made her feel that the relationship between the two of them had gotten a lot rustier. She mumbled as she accepted the crab meat, looking lost in thought. Seeing her in such a state, the two siblings kept their eyes on her, afraid that she would suddenly snap. They also didn't dare mention the matter of going to the small garden again, lest it irritate her. The three of them chewed slowly, but the time came when they had finished eating. "Let's go!" Michiko suddenly stood up and said. The two siblings had no choice but to follow her, and without saying a word, the three of them walked silently towards the "Little Garden". They soon arrived at their destination. After yesterday's work, Michiko bent down and mechanically pulled weeds. Ronnie crouched down beside her to help, remembering his last prank, he felt guilty, "I'm sorry, Michiko."Seeing that she was still moping, he wanted to make her happy, slowly leaning over, he said, "The weather is nice today, it shouldn't rain."

Michiko looked at him and said weakly, "What are you doing here again? don't talk nonsense without words."

"Michiko, why are you unhappy?"

"I'm not unhappy and I don't need you to mind my business."

Ronnie bumped his head and smiled awkwardly, stood up straight, stretched, and turned to face Alice. Alice, who was strong enough to stand up to both of them on her own, saw him approach and asked curiously, "Why aren't you with Michiko anymore?"

"She's mad and I don't know what pissed her off," Ronnie said, shrugging helplessly.

Alice also shook her head helplessly and went back to her work, and for a while all three were silent. After perhaps three hours, a large portion of the weeds in the valley had been removed. "Sister, let's dig out half of the potatoes first and wait two months before planting."

"Ah, ...... still needs to catalyze the sprouts? why didn't you say that before?" Alice didn't expect it to be that complicated.

"That's for sure, I thought you knew."

This time they dug twelve potatoes, both large and small, and the three returned home full of anticipation. Before they knew it, it was December and a new year was about to begin. In the last three months or so, Ronnie had added two more pots of water, and they also dug a fish pond on the beach, where Alice kept all the fish she caught that they didn't eat. Potatoes were planted all over the "garden" and would be ready for harvest next February. Ronnie also built a boat, but Michiko burned it and they had a big fight about it and didn't talk for half a month, but finally Ronnie took the initiative to make peace and they made up, and Michiko didn't get sick again and a smile came back on her face.

That day, the three of them were lying on the beach, sunbathing, when Ronnie spoke up, "Michiko, why did you burn my boat last time?"

"I don't like it out there, I just want to stay on this island. Ronnie, isn't it good for the three of us to be on this island? why do you want to go out?"

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