Chapter 75 The Song of the Fallen

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Ronnie received a reply from War Rose at the Baron's house and jumped in anger. But there was nothing he could do about Yurina for now, so he thought to himself, "Let's just deal with what's in front of me first," after the experience of the last time, he made a simple Silent Shadow Man like Yurina's in a week's time. Taking this Silent Shadow Man with him, he went to Park Hye's house, where the bruise on her face was much better. She looked very happy to see Ronnie and said, "You're here."

Ronnie nodded and pointed to the Silent Shadow Man behind him and said, "This is your robot."

The Silent Shadow Man was a cute girl and Park Hye looked at her and asked, "Can she be invisible too?"

"Of course she can, you can give her a name and a command and you will be her master from now on."

Park Hye was silent for a long time before she said, "She looks so cute, how about calling her Little Goody?"

"Little Goody?" Ronnie almost laughed out loud at the name, he tried his best to hold it back and praised against his will, "That's a good name."

Then he entered a command and Little Goody disappeared in place, standing quietly behind Park Hye at that moment. The next step was to think about Park Hye's life in the future, he was eager to find a job for her, he originally planned to go to Vinique to ask for help, but he was afraid that Park Hye would be bullied by Yurina in the Baron's house, so he finally had to give up. At that moment, he thought of Saria's "Starfire" program, maybe she needs someone there, thinking of that, he immediately contacted Saria through the "Big Butler". Luckily, Saria was short of people who had retired from the City-state, and he told Park Hye the good news. She was very happy to hear this and said to Ronnie, "Thank you Ronnie for helping me so much."

"Don't say that, you are Catherine's mother, in the future you can contact me through your 'Little Goody' if you need anything." Ronnie returned to the City-state after taking care of this side of things. The next day, Park Hye went to work at Saria's base. Yurina stayed at her lover Colin's house for another week or so after Ronnie contacted her, thinking that Ronnie would come to her soon. In the end, she was disappointed that Ronnie didn't come over. She said to herself, "Maybe Ronnie was delayed by something else. She waited another ten days and Ronnie still didn't show up. "What the hell does he mean?" Yurina suddenly shouted.

Colin saw her sudden anger and asked confusedly, "What did you say?"

"I said Ronnie, that stinking man, why didn't he come to me?"

"Why should he come to you? you're not his wife."

Yurina ignored Colin's words, she thought of her Silent Shadow Man and gave her an order: "War Rose, go and inform Ronnie that if he doesn't come to me again, he won't even be able to see me in the future."

When Ronnie returned to the City-state, Yurina was still on his mind. But he insisted on not looking for her, he didn't want to be led around by her.

That day, he came home from work and looked out the window at the "Sea of Dreams" below. When Cool Bear suddenly told him about Yurina's message, he was moved, but it was the last sentence that scared him a little, because he knew that Yurina was capable of anything. He rushed to the city of Dasco with Cool Bear, he had been there before, so it wasn't a big deal to find it. Following Cool Bear's instructions, he went straight to Colin's house. At that time, it was more than eight o'clock in the evening, he just appeared in front of a small courtyard, suddenly heard "woof" sound, a black dog from the courtyard out. It was very big and strong, with black and oily hair. When it saw the stranger, it barked furiously at him. Ronnie was so afraid that he didn't dare to move forward, so Cool Bear stealthily took a step forward and kicked out, the black dog was kicked right out by him and fell to the ground, and only after a long time did it get up. But it was not standing still, Cool Bear came close again, grabbed its tail, threw it into a hut and locked it inside. The noise just now startled Colin on the second floor, who shouted down, bare-chested, "What's all that noise?"

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