Chapter 33

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After crying and accidentally fall asleep on his arms, Phileo call Adrian to take Luciana from his room but-

"Ah... Don't worry. Tomorrow, we'll leaving so spend your time together with Lucy tonight." Adrian said smiling to him but Phileo was annoyed at him.

"You just want to be alone with your wife, isn't it?" Phileo said already irritated at him. "Oh no. You already found out the truth." Adrian said teasing at him. Phileo slapped his arm make he laughed at him.

"But really. Spend your time with Lucy tonight. It's not like this is first time you sleep with her, right?" Adrian said. Phileo just hummed at him.

"Anyway, put an ice over your eyes by the way. If you don't want someone to see your puffy face." Adrian said walking away while waving at him. Phileo rolled his eyes at him before walked inside the room back.

Phileo sighed and walked closer to the bed only froze when he saw another person at his bed.

"Leo? When did you get here?" Phileo said after he realized that it's just his youngest daughter. Leonia was laying beside Luciana who fell asleep while hugging her.

"I also want to sleep with Lady Lucy before she leave tomorrow." Leonia said pouting at him. She snuggled closer to Luciana and hugged her.

Phileo stare at them before sit on another side of the bed. He put his hands to Luciana's hair and played with it while the two of them asleep. His eyes glimpse several emotions at them.

"... I wish the time would stop. I want to spend time more with her."

The next morning.

Luciana stare at her room in sadness. The room was empty since she will be leaving. The room that filled with dark and happy memories.

"... But mostly dark though since I always had mental breakdown in here." Luciana thought walking around her room in silence.

Even so, it's still her childhood room. Luciana sighed in sadness. Someone suddenly knocked the door.

"Lady, it's time." Mina said open the door. Luciana turned at her and nodded. Mina smiled at her in sadness.

"... Lady, I hope you never forget about me." Mina said as she helped her wearing her coat. Luciana smiled at her.

"Of course. You're like mother to me at here, Mina. You always with me when I need someone to lean on." Luciana said. "Lady..." Mina said as she teared up at her word.

"Beside, I hope your wedding with Manuce will forever delightful forever." Luciana said turned at Manuce from outside the door. Manuce smiled at her and bowed.

"Thank you, Lady." Manuce said. The three of them walking together to the main pouch of the mansion.

"Lucy, are you finally done?" Adrian said wearing the suit with big red coat over his shoulder. He was wearing red suit.

"If you want something, we could buy later at the East later." Stella said wearing big red dress and coat over her body.

"I'm done." Luciana said as she wearing red cute dress with coat. She is matching with her parents.

Luciana quickly walked and hugged them. Stella and Adrian smiled at their daughter. They noticed Phileo and Leonia was waiting for their departure.

"Lucy." Adrian said gently pushed her to them make Luciana noticed them. She suddenly getting nervous since she remember yesterday event.

"Uh..." Luciana slowly said but stopped when Leonia hugged her. She froze at her.

"Thank you for become my sister. I will miss you, Lady Lucy." Leonia said teared up. Luciana stare at her before smiled.

"You can call me Sister, Leo. We're sisters, right?" Luciana said smiling at her widely.

"And I want to apologize when I yelled at you." Luciana said as they remember the time when Luciana would shouted at her.

"Ah! It's fine! I understand! I already forget about that." Leonia said give her big smile. Luciana smiled before hugged her closer.

"Thank you, Leo... For treat me like sister." Luciana slowly said make Leonia cried. Phileo give her handicrafts from beside as she quickly blew her snots away.

"Lucy." Phileo then said walking in front of her. Luciana slowly smiled at him make he smiled back.

"Thank you for everything, Your Grace." Luciana said when Phileo frowned at her call. "Don't call me that." Phileo said make Luciana confused.

"Huh?" Luciana said. "Don't call me 'Your Grace'." Phileo said again. Luciana quickly panicked.

"Then what should I call you?" Luciana said. "Call me like you always did." Phileo said to her before Adrian suddenly whispered to her ears. Luciana's eyes widened when he said that.

"Can I call him that...?" Luciana asked him. Adrian nodded at her. "Tried to call him." Adrian said stepped aside.

Luciana looked back at Phileo and blushed a little. She gripped her dress. Everyone was waiting for her.

"P-Pa... Papa!" Luciana said in embarrassment. Phileo quickly getting a heart attack at her cuteness. Leonia hold her laughter from beside.

"Is you heart's fine? I heard something breaking earlier." Adrian said teasingly along with Leonia. "Shut up, you two." Phileo said hiding his red face away from them.

Luciana looked at them in embarrassment while Stella just laughed at them. Phileo ignored Leonia and Adrian before pull Luciana to his embrace.

"We'll meet again." Phileo whispered to her. Luciana nodded before snuggled him closer.

"Then, we'll go first. I'll see you..." Adrian said as he glance at Phileo for a second. Phileo nodded at him.

"At the 'banquet'. See you then." Phileo said. Luciana waved at Leonia before enter the carriage. Leonia and Phileo stare at the carriage until it's disappeared from their sight.

"I already miss Sister Lucy." Leonia whined before Phileo carry her to his arms. "Me too but don't worry. We'll meet them again." Phileo said walking inside together with Leonia.

While with Kieran's family.

Luciana stare outside in sadness. They ride across the town before going to gate. Stella and Adrian notice it and patted her head.

"Don't worry. We can always come here whenever you want." Adrian said make Luciana smiled.

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