4. All of the akwardness✔

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***********Raine's POV**********
I have been giving Cade the silent treatment for the last week. He has tried to speak with me, but I just ignored him. Now I am getting clothes and a towel so I can take a shower. I grab a towel and I step into the bathroom. I dont lock the door because no one is here currently. I strip down, and then the door barges open.

"What the fuck?" I shriek.

"Sorry I didn't know you were in here," Cade closes his eyes and walks out of the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I actually thought nobody was here. I walk into the warm shower, feeling my tense muscles relax. When I step out, my towel and clothes seemed to have disappeared.

"Cade?" I ask him.

"What do you need babe?" He asks me.

"Did you take my clothes?" I ask him, as I peer through the crack in between the wall and door.

"Don't know what you're talking about babe," He replies smirking at me. "How about you just come out. I won't look."

"No are you fucking crazy?" I shout back at him.

"I promise I won't look," Cade replies.

"Fine. Close your eyes," I give in. I quickly step out of the bathroom into our dorm.

"You have a sexy body," He comments. I turn around and stare at him, my mouth gaping open. I quickly pull on clothes.

"Cade." I growl, "You promised you wouldn't look!" I snarl this last part.

"I'm sorry," Cade holds up his hands. Well he doesn't sound very sorry.

"The revenge starts now, so sleep with one eye open."

This chapter is very short, but the next one is going to be longer. I promise! What do you think she is going to do? Please comment good prank ideas! Vote, comment, and share!


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