7. to the hospital ✔

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********** Raine's POV**************
Today I have to go to the hospital for my check up. I have this insomnia condition, when I can't sleep well, or at all. It also means I can't sleep without many interruptions. I only manage to sleep in Cade's arms. Weird.

I drive into the parking lot. I walk into the doctors office, to see no one else there. I check in, and I sit down. I page through a seventeen magazine while I wait.

"Raine Anderson?" A nurse walks into the waiting area.

"Yes?" I stand up.

"Please follow me," The nurse motions to me.

I follow her into a room. Then she does the normal tests, and tells me to stay here to wait for the doctor.

"Hello Raine," Doctor Heart greets me.

"Hi!" I reply.

"How have you been lately?" Doctor Heart asks me.

"I have been great, still adjusting to college life," I explain.

"That's good," She says, as she looks through some papers.

"How has your sleeping been working out for you?" Doctor Heart questions.

"This is actually kind of a funny story. I have been sleeping as normal, interruptions, but sometimes I fall asleep in my dorm partners arms, and I seem to sleep better," I explain to her.

"I see, I see. Well sleeping with another person is actually more comforting, and it helps you stay asleep longer," She tells me.

"Really?" I ask.

She nods. "And does your dorm partner know about your condition?" She asks me.

"No, I haven't told him yet," I admit.

"You really should tell him, so he isn't worried about you," Doctor Heart tells me.

"Okay, I'll do it soon, as I can," I reply.

"And ask him if you can cuddle up with him so you can sleep better." Doctor Heart instructs.

"Okay," I nod.

"That's all for today, and you have a persciption waiting for you," She says before leaving the room.

I walk out of the room, and down the hall to the pharmacy. I get my prescription, and then I sign out. I climb back into my car, and I drive back to the dorm.

"Where were you?" Cade demands as I walk through the door, "I've been worried sick."

"I was at the hospital," I admit sheepishly. It's so sweet that he was worried about me.

"Why? What happened? Are you ok? Do I have to beat someone up?" Cade starts firing questions at me like bullets.

"I was at the hospital for my check up. Nothing happened, but I have this illness called insomnia, which means I can't sleep well. I'm okay, but could be better. And no, you dont have to beat anyone up," I answer all of his questions.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't know," Cade says softly.

"It's fine, not a lot of people know," I reply.

"If there's anything you need, just tell me, I'll be happy to help," Cade offers.

"Well, if you would be able to allow me to sleep with you to help me sleep it would be greatly appreciated?" I ask him.

"I think that could be arranged," Cade smirks.

"No, not like that," I complain.

"I'm just kidding, I know what you meant," Cade laughs.

"Good," I reply.

"Do you want to just hang out and watch movies?" Cade asks me.

"Sure," I smile.

After three Harry Potter movies later, I'm finally tired.

"Hey should we move our beds together, to make a big one?" I suggest.

"It would make it more comfortable," Cade agrees.

He helps me squish the beds together, and we dive under the covers together.

"Goodnight Cade," I whisper to him.

"Good night princes, sweet dreams," Cade murmurs.

And just like that, I'm out like a light.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. These are going to be fairly slow updates. But, I'll try my hardest. Hope you liked it. Please comment on what to like or give feedback.
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