15. the weekend ✔

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^^^^^^^^^^Cade's POV^^^^^^^^^^^
Today is Friday, and Raine and I are going to start my training today. Honestly, she looks incredibly strong, but not bulgey. She is just so sexy.

"Cade, you totally like her," my friend Justin says. I'm hanging out with Justin, Alec, Seth, and Calvin before I go to train with Raine.

"No I don't," I blush.

"Yeah, you totally like her, you never blush for someone unless you like them," Seth teases.

"No I dont, now shut the fuck up," I snarl.

They're right. I do maybe like Raine a little bit. I should get over her, it's just a tiny crush.

"Okay guys, leave, I have to go meet up with Raine," I tell them.

"Ooh, someones got a date!" Calvin smirks.

"No, its not," I growl, and push them out the door. I close the door, and I change clothes.

I change into a pair of basket ball shorts and a tee shirt. I get out of the dorm, and I climb into my Lamborghini. Then I drive to the nearest gym, and I park. I walk into the gym, and I see Raine waiting for me.

"Hey Cade," Raine says.

"Hi Raine," I reply.

"Ready to start?" She asks me.

"Yup, let's do it," I tell her.

She starts walking to the punching bags. Thankfully I brought my gym bag, with everything I need inside.

"So first we are going to start with boxing," Raine says. She looks so miniature, next to the huge punching bag. I just want to scoop her up in my arms and hug her. She is wearing a pair of nike pro leggings, and a black sports bra. She straps her boxing gloves on, which are a bright fuchsia.

"Are you done staring at me?" Raine snaps her fingers in my face. I blush.

"I wasn't," I protest.

"Sure, whatever, now put your gloves on so we can start," Raine smirks.

I strap my red gloves on, and I stand next to her.

"So first we need to start by finding where you could have the most power, so show me what you got," Raine stands back.

I start punching the bag, in all different directions.

"Stop," Raine commands.

"What, did I do something wrong?" I ask.

"I think you have the most power in your legs, and elbows," Raine tells me.

"Ok, what should I do now boss?" I smirk.

"So try kicking the bag with your feet," Raine tells me.

"Ok," I raise my foot, and I give the bag a good kick.

"See how much better you are?" Raine asks.

"Yeah, thanks," I tell her.

After we work on fitness skills for awhile, we are both tired.

"Ready to be done?" She asks me.

"Yeah, would you like a ride home?" I ask her.

"That would be nice, since I would have had to walk back to the dorm anyway," Raine tells me.

"Ok, let's go," I grab her hand, and I pull her out to my Lamborghini.

We get in my car and Raine starts shivering.

"Here," I hand her one of my sweatshirts.

"I'm fine," She protests.

"No you're not, you're shivering," I point to her arms, that are shaking.

"Fine," She takes the sweatshirt from me, and slips it over her head. I almost have to stop the car, to look at her. She is so fucking beautiful with my clothes, on her slim body. I only glance at her a couple of times.

I pull into the lot, and I park the car. We get out, and go upstairs.

"Do you know when the next competition is?" Raine asks me in a low voice.

"I think it's in a couple of weeks," I tell her as we enter the dorm room.

"Ok," she replies, "I'm going to go shower and change."

"Ok, I think I'll shower tomorrow, so I'll just change," I tell her as she goes into the bathroom. She shuts the door, and locks it.

I go into my closet, and I find a clean pair of boxers, and I change into those, and I climb into my bed.

Raine comes out of the bathroom a couple minutes later, only wrapped in a towel.

"Cade don't look," She says as she finds clothes.

I turn face down on the bed, and then I turn back up when she's done. We both go to sleep, after she shuts off the lights.

I wake up sometime in the middle of the night, to Raine crying. I get up, and I walk over to her bed, and I gently shake her.

"Raine wake up," I say, and she wakes up, and starts crying again.

"Shhh, shhhh," I tell her, as I scoop her out of her bed, and into my arms.

I go back to my bed, and I lay down, with he curled up me. She stops crying, and falls asleep. I stroke her hair softly, and I fall asleep myself.

Another update! This one is a little longer than the last ones. Aren't Cade and Raine adorable? Comment what you think their ship name would be, and what you think about them. Please vote and share as well! Happy reading!


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