20. Christmas shopping✔

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^^^^^^^^^^^Raine's POV^^^^^^^^^^^

"I'm so excited for Christmas!" Veronica squeals, as we are all lounging around in Cades and my dorm. By us there is Veronica, Cade, Alec, Justin, Seth, and Calvin, and myself.

"Me too," Cade smiles.

"We should all go to the mall, and go shopping," I suggest.

"That sounds fun!" Veronica agrees.

"Let's do it," Alec decides.

"I have to change first," I comment.

"Me too," Veronica says.

"I have to go get my wallet," Seth says. All of the other boys nod I'm agreement.

We all disperse, and we will meet back in our room. I change into a pair of black leggings from pink, a tee shirt, and a sweatshirt from pink. I grab my purse, and I walk out of my closet.

"Are you ready to go?" Cade asks me.

"Yeah," I reply.

After about five minutes, everyone else is here and ready to go.

"We will need to take two cars," Calvin smartly says.

"How about Cade's and mine?" Alec suggest.

"Ok," Cade says.

After we figure out seating arrangements, we all get into the cars.

I'm riding with Cade in the passengers seat. Veronica and Seth are in the back. In the other car, Calvin, Alec, and Justin are in there. We drive the twenty minutes to the mall. When I get out of the car, a gust of snow almost makes me fall over. It's heavily snowing here. It's so pretty!

After we all get into the mall, we all decide to split up. I'm with Veronica, and all of the boys are together. We will change later.

"What should I get for the boys, not including Cade?" I ask V.

"I don't know, some sport thing maybe?" V suggests.

"Ok, that will work," I say.

"How about we go to pro image to see if they have anything there?" V says.

"Ok," I agree.  I decide to text Cade.

Me: do you know what the boys favorite hockey teams are?

Cade is the sexiest man alive: Seth- mn wild, Calvin- La kings, Justin- Saint Louis Blues, Alec- N.Y. Rangers

Me: thanks

Cade is the sexiest man alive: Yup no problem princess ;)

He must have changed his name on my phone.

"Ok, I got their favorite hockey teams," I tell V.

"That's good," She replies.

I buy Alec a wallet, Justin a baseball hat, Seth a water bottle, and Calvin a poster.

"Where should we go now?" V asks me.

"I don't care," I say.

"We're going to aeropastle," Veronica smiles.

"Yayyy! I love that store!" I high five her.

We walk across the mall to aeropastle. I browse around in there, and I find some socks, a pair of leggings, and a cute Christmas tee shirt.

"I'm going to get these for my mom," Veronica holds up a pair of fuzzy socks.

"Those are adorable!" I squeal.

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