13. under the city ✔

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*************Cade's POV*************
I need to tell Raine my secret soon. She is probably getting suspicious about why I'm gone random hours of the day. Like seriously I have to leave in the middle of the night. I'll tell her after school.

*************Raine's POV************
Cade just texted me and asked if we can talk after school, but I replied no. I have to go to this thing after school.

After classes end for the day, I go back to the dorm. Cade has an extra class, so he won't notice me sneaking out. I quickly change into black sport leggings, an all black tank top, and a pair of black Nike shoes. I do my makeup in a dark look. I do a dark gray eyeshadow, and a blood red lipstick. Then I twist my hair into two French braids, and I walk out the door. I get in my car, and I drive to an old café. This is my way, to get to a top secret location.

I pull into the back of the lot, and I enter though the back door.

"Password," A guy says in a raspy tone.

"Pumpkins," I say after checking to make sure nobody is watching.

"You're clear," He opens the door and let's me in.

I walk into the building, and I go down a flight of stairs. After I walk down there, I enter another room. I open the door, and I walk down another hallway. I end up going down another flight of stairs, and then I smell a disgusting stench.

I walk through the sewers until I enter another big room.

"Ok everybody, let the fights begin," A loud booming voice shouts throughout the room.

I see some people bet on others, and if they can win the fight, they get the money. Soon enough it's my turn.

"I bet two hundred dollars on her," I hear a guy tell someone else.

"You're going down," The guy in front of me says.

"Maybe before me," I smirk. Then I send a punch right to his jaw.

He hisses in pain, and clutches his jaw. I take the time as an opportunity to kick his crotch area. He removes his hands from his jaw, and clutches his crotch in pain, and falls to the floor. He doesn't get back up after that.

"Major victory for the lady!" A guy in the crowd cheers.

Then everyone who bet on me gives me the money. I collect about a thousand dollars. As I'm leaving, I swear I see a guy who looks like Cade, but I can't be sure.

>>>>>>>>Cade's POV<<<<<<<
As I'm under at the sewers, I see this girl who just beat this guy. She reminded me of Raine. As she was leaving, I wanted to talk to her, but she must have been in a hurry, and I didn't get the chance.

###########Raine's POV#########
I quickly go back to the dorm, and I change. I'm positive that was Cade, and I don't want him to know about me. I change into a pair of real colored shorts, and a light gray shirt. I wipe off all of the makeup, and I unbraid my hair. I also straighten my hair as well.

I hear the door open, as I'm putting the straightener away.

"Hey Cade," I leave the bathroom to greet him.

"Hey Raine, do you think we could talk?"

Hey another update! That was what Cade and Raine are up to. Please tell me your opinions. Comment, vote share!


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