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So I think I'm going to do some bonus chapters. You can pick one of the options, and whatever gets the most picks will be the bonus chapter. Comment what point of view it should be in as well.

Option one:

Raine teaches Cade how to do laundry

Option two:

Their wedding

Option three:

When they go travelling

Option four:

Meeting Cade's family

Make sure you choose wisely! Have an awesome day or night, and share this book with the world! Love you all!


I have now finished editing this book, it has been an amazing journey for me, and I'm so glad all of you are here supporting me! I'm currently working on the bonus chapters, so stay tuned!

I probably won't finish the bonus chapters just because I'm lazy, and writing another book called Will You Wait? And I'm really feeling the vibes for it now. I know it's not long, but it's going to get long! I want to give a shout out to @fernandaoneil for voting so many times on this book! Thank you♡♡♡!! Love you all, and good night!

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