22. two days before Christmas ✔

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"""""""""""""""Raine's POV"""""""""""""""
Cade stops as soon as I say "we're here." He stops in front of my house. It's a navy blue house, and it looks rustic on the outside, but contemporary on the inside.

"Your house is gorgeous!" Cade tells me.

"Thanks, my mom decorated it," Tears well up in my eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Cade rubs my back.

"Maybe later," I wipe the tears away.

"Come on, let's go in," I tell him, as we get our suitcases out of the trunk. We go up to the house, and I knock on the door.

The door opens, and Sam is standing there. "Sammy! I missed you!" I drop all of my luggage, and I throw my arms around him. After I hug him, I pick up my luggage, and we go inside.

"Raine!" Dad exclaims as he runs over to me, and hugs me.

"Hi daddy!" I hug him back.

"And who is this young fellow?" He asks me after he lets go of me.

"This is Cade my roomate," I tell him.

"Nice to meet you Cade," Dad shakes his hand.

"Cade was going to get a flight home, but it was cancelled. Is it okay if he stays here with us?" I ask him.

"Sure, I think that will be fine," Dad says.

"As long as you guys don't share the same room," Dad narrows his eyes at us.

"Dad!" I exclaim.

"What I dont want to be a grandfather yet, and I don't want any baby making," Dad explains.

"Dad! I'm not pregnant, and we aren't even a couple! We share a dorm at college," I argue.

"Fine, but Cade if you hurt my little girl, you'll never see the light of day again!" Dad threatens.

"I would never do anything to hurt your daughter, Mr. Anderson," Cade says.

"Ok, you better not, and please call me Bill," Dad smiles.

"Ok, lets go to my room," I drag Cade there with me.

"I like your room," Cade smirks, as we enter my room.

"Stop, it's my childhood bedroom," I smile, as I slap him lightly on the chest.

I put my luggage down, and Cade puts his down beside me. I climb into my queen bed, and Cade sits down beside me.

"I'm glad you're here," I tell Cade.

"Me too," He says.

"Can I tell you why I was crying earlier?" I ask him.

"Yes, but I wont push you babe," He says softly.

"So it was a normal day, it was in my junior year of high school. I went home like usual, but then my mom and I had a huge fight. We were arguing about me not getting out enough, and that I don't see anyone. Then she went to go shopping, and at the end of our street, all you could hear were smashing sounds. I ran outside, and I saw that my mom had been in a car crash. I called my dad, and he immediately came home from work. I dialed 911, and the ambulance rushed her off to the hospital. On the way there, she had too many injures, and she died," I cry as I tell Cade.

He pulls me onto his lap, and strokes my hair softly. "I'm so sorry princess," He whispers. I cry and cry and cry. After I'm done crying, I realized his shirt is covered in tear stains, and mascara.

"I'm so sorry about your shirt!" I exclaim.

"It's ok, I'll just put on another one," Cade tells me.

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