8. Cade's friends ✔

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=========Raine's POV=============
Cade has been really sweet after I told him about my insomnia. He actually isn't even trying anything when we cuddle together. Its really nice of him to act this way.

Some of his friends are coming over later, to hang out. I didn't know he knew anybody on campus, turns out he does. At least half of his friends come here as well.

Right now I'm cleaning the dorm room, again. Cade always makes it so messy. "Cade, can you please come help me?" I plead.

"Uhh, fine," Cade gets up off of his bed.

He sauntered over to his closet, and starts dumping clothes into his closet.
"How do you know what clothes are clean, and what are dirty?" I scrunch my face up in disgust.

"I don't," He smirks.

I almost choke on my own spit. "Ewww, that's disgusting," I shriek.

"Do you ever do your laundry?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Uh, no, I don't know how," Cade admits.

"Would you like me to teach you sometime?" I offer.

"Yeah, that would be great, thanks Raine," Cade thanks me.

"Yup no problem," I reply.

Cade leans in and hugs me. I'm very surprised at first, but then I wrap my arms around his neck. Our hug turns into a kiss, that only lasts a couple of seconds.

Cade scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. "Um, I'm sorry, Sometimes it can be hard to control myself."

"Don't worry about it, so that was just a friendly kiss right?" I ask him.

"Yeah, just friends," Cade says.

"Just friends," I agree. Even though I want to be something more.

Then I hear a knock on the door. Cade rushes to open it, and standing outside are four tall, guys. One had blonde hair with blue eyes. Another had chocolate brown hair and brown eyes. One has a bronze colored hair, and hazel eyes. The last one has black hair, and bright blue eyes. They're all gorgeous, but Cade is still more sexy than them.

"Who is this chick?" Blondie asks Cade.

"This is Raine, my roommate," Cade grins.

"Damn, you got lucky," The bronze haired guy mumbles.

"Ranie, this is Justin," Cade points to the bronze haired guy, "Seth," He points to Blondie, "Calvin," The chocolate haired one, "And finally Alec." Cade finishes.

"Nice to meet you all," I say politely. Behind the boys, Veronica is standing quietly.

"Veronica!" I squeal, as I run up and hug her.

"Hey Raine!" She throws her arms around me.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you for a few days," I ask her.

"I have been good," Veronica laughs.

"Do you know these boys?" I ask her.

"Yeah," she squirms uncomfortably.

"Did you have a bad experience with them?" I whisper into her ear.

She nods." It's ok, we don't have to talk about it," I rub her arm gently.

"Thanks Raine," she hugs me again.

As we enter our dorm, I see the boys pigged out on our beds, eating pizza and playing video games. "Want to go talk in the kitchen?" I shout over the noise.

"Yes!" She shouts back.

We wander into the small kitchen. We sit across from each other at the island. "I will tell you what happened, but a time when I feel brave again," Veronica sighs.

"Ok, take as much time as you need," I tell her.

"But I will tell you one day," Veronica says.

I'm so curious to know what her story is. I'm not going to pry into business that isn't mine. That isn't nice, and I want Veronica to trust me.

The boys video games start to become louder and louder.

"Turn it down!" I shout.

"Yes mom!" Cade walks into the kitchen smirking.

"Whatever," I roll my eyes, as he leaves and turns the games up louder.

"Boys will be boys," I tell veronica.

"No kidding," she laughs.

"We should go play with them, who knows, maybe were better than them," I suggest.

"Let's do it!" Veronica agrees.

"Hey you two get off," I commamd to Justin and Calvin. They both move to Cade's bed with Seth and Alec.

I tell Cade to scoot over, so Veronica and I can sit.

"Can we play too?" I ask.

"Sure,"Cade passes us controllers.

We play video games for the longest time in forever.

Hey! Another update! What do you think is Veronica's secret? Comment-vote-share!


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