23. Christmas eve part one ✔

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^^^^^^^^^^^^Cades POV^^^^^^^^^^^
Tonight I'm going to give Raine her Christmas present. I'm nervous to see if she will like it. I hope she does. I will give it to her, after we go up to her room.

I really like her family. They just accept me, unlike my horrible family. I know they will be furious, but I don't care. I think I'm falling in love with Raine.

I just woke up, to Raine in my arms. I love waking up with her. I don't know if she likes waking up with me, but I think so.

Raine stirs, and clutches me tighter. She wraps her arms around my torso, and buries her face in my chest. "Raine? Are you awake?" I whisper to her.

No response. I don't think she's awake yet. I guess that's a good thing, with her insomnia and everything.

"Cade stay," I hear Raine say.

"I'm here, I won't leave you," I tell her.

"Don't go," She says.

"I won't leave you," I assure her.

"Cade, I love you!" She says.

"I love you too," I tell her.

Then she stops talking. She's asleep again. Oh my gosh! Raine was sleep talking. Do you think she was having a dream about me? Does she actually love me? Maybe I will ask her about it when she wakes up.

She stirs again, and then slowly opens her eyes, and looks up at me.

"Hello sunshine," I tell her.

"Good morning Cade," She greets me.

"Did you know that you sleep talk?" I smirk at her.

"What?" Her eyes widen.

"You didnt know that?" I ask her.

"No, what did I say?" She asks.

"You said, 'Cade stay' and ' Dont go'," I tell her.

"Ok," She says, "I didn't say anything embarrassing did I?"

"No," I assure her. I'm just not going to tell her about the ' Cade i love you' part yet.

"Let's go put some clothes on, and let's go eat breakfast!" Raine says. I go onto my side of the bed, and I dig through my suitcase. We just decided to change on opposite sides of the bed. I change into fresh boxers, and I slide black sweatpants on. I also slide a Nike tee shirt on as well.

"Raine? Are you done?" I ask her, but don't turn around.

"Yes," She says.

"Let's go," I take her hand, and we go down the stairs. I like holding her hands. They are so small and thin, and I like putting my large hands over hers.

When we get downstairs, I let go of her hand because, of her dad. When we enter the dining room, I smell chocolate chip pancakes. I sit down on the bench next to Raine, and I start digging in. Bill, Raine's dad, is a really good cook. Maybe I will be able to cook that good sometime in my life. Hopefully, because I am going to college to be like a chef.

After we all finish eating, I help do the dishes. Raine was in the living room, admiring the Christmas tree.

"Bill, I have a question," I say nervously.

"Yes, Cade?" He asks.

"May I have the permission to date your daughter?" I ask him politely.

"I will give you my permission. I can tell Raine really likes you, and you like her," Bill says.

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