Chapter-8-Is he for real?

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I am really sorry for not updating soon. Things have gone crazy for me,I don't know how to figure them out,i just thank myself for not going into depression. Anyway by writing this book,i felt good andddd...bakreid mubarak to everyone😀

Noor's pov:
I was screaming for help,but no one came up,they all heard me as we made our way into the street. Everyone were pretending as if they didn't see me and some who even came forward to help,were being stopped by those people. I guess everyone here are scared of adeel. When we reached his house,he dropped me on the floor and said,"you wanted to escape huh? I have been very generous with you,but now i am going to show you the real me?"he said while grabbing my arm. I struggled under his steel like grip,i am sure there would be marks later. He pulled me along with him,downstairs....we reached his basement.

It was so creepy,with only one light bulb at the end

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It was so creepy,with only one light bulb at the end. He pushed me and i landed on the floor with a thud,he came towards me with an evil smirk on his face. He bended down to my level and said,
"You know,i had asked nisa what is the biggest thing you are scared of? And she after some torture answered that you are scared of the dark,you often sleep with night lamp on...and now as you have done the biggest mistake of your life;escape..this punishment will teach you to never disobey ADEEL KHAN" he laughed and went towards the door.

No,no way I won't be able to survive here,since childhood i am scared of dark rooms,i sleep with lights on or night lamp. I have a phobia of darkness...ya allah he hurted what?i shouldn't have escaped. This is the worst punishment ever. Tears started trickling down my face as i begin to panic,i went and grabbed his feet,he turned and looked at me.
" don' do..this..iii..willl..neverrr..escape...i..i..promise..buutt..pleass..e don'"i said in between my hiccups,he smiled and removed my hands from his feet and said,"well you did wrong..and wrongdoers should get punishment right? Stay here"he said with a serious face and took a stick nearby and broke the bulb,my only strength here. I started to shout,plead him but he pushed me away and locked the door and went. I was crying terribly with my face on my knees. I heard some sound so i looked up and saw that it was a rat,i screamed and went to the other side of the room. It was full dark here,no light only the voice of my screams could be heard. I suddenly felt the rat near me so i shouted and backed away,but didn't realize that it was a wall. My head touched the wall,and I started to see things blurry and then i blacked out.

Adeel's pov:
I don't know why but i was feeling that something is wrong,so i went up to noor's bedroom to check up on her,like i do as always. I entered her bedroom to be seen empty.
"Noor...kahan ho?"i called out but no answer,i checked in the washroom but it was empty too. Panic started engulfing me about her,where could she be? I stormed out of her room,and went to the secret room,there are many cctv cameras in this house for safety. I looked at that camera which was near to her bedroom and played the recording of past 10 minutes. I was shocked to see noor,escaping through the emergency exit. Where would she go this fast? She would be nearby but it will be a bit difficult to find her as today is dhai handi,and there would be lots of people there.

But I have to find her,I can't let her go,she will tell about me to the police plus she is in an unknown place,what if something happens to her? I made my way downstairs and called the guards,they understood that something is wrong.
"What do you guys do there huh? You let noor escape?" They all were standing there,with there heads down,fear all written in their faces. Because they know that when i am angry i do something horrible,i have no control on my anger.
"What are you waiting now,let's go find her"i said while gritting my teeth in anger.

I roamed along the streets to find her,god where is she? I have been looking for her since half an hour but there is no sign of her anywhere. What if a guy did something to her? Oh god,i will kill him,rip his heart out if he even touched her hair. Noor,just come into my hands and then I'll never let you go,ill give you something after which you'll be scared to even think about escaping. I went towards the main street to find a girl,covered in a shawl roaming around. I could only see her back,but I don't know why i have this doubt that this girl is noor.

I went forward and tapped on her shoulder,she turned slowly and i saw her angelic eyes staring at me with fear. She was about to turn and run but i am faster than her,i grabbed her by her shoulders and picked her up on my shoulders. She began struggling,beating me with her baby fists,screaming..but baby it's of no use. The whole Maharashtra is scared of adeel khan,no one would even want to look up at me. She weighs so less,i felt that i am picking a child. We reached our house and i dropped her on her feet carefully. I was angry,very angry..nobody crosses me and this girl here has the guys to escape.

Well, i have a little punishment planned for her. A couple of days ago,i went to nisa's house,to say hello and gather some information about our little feisty girl here. But as usual she refused to say anything,so i had no choice left..I grabbed her little sister by her neck and picked out my gun near her head. I was careful enough not to hurt the little girl,plus I wasn't gonna really kill her. Eventually nisa opened up,and i got to know many things about noor. Her biggest fear is darkness and cats,she doesn't like seafood and her fav thing is a huge teddy bear.

God,these girls. I don't know what do they find in teddy bears. Anyway,i got this information and now i can use this against noor,whenever she disobeys me.

I dragged her down the basement and pushed her in,i saw the little bulb over there. I decided to break it,so that noor would definitely get a lesson from this. She started begging me,she even came to my feet. At this point my heart melted,I couldn't see noor cry,I don't know why. It really pains me to do this to her but i did it,i locked her up and went to my room.

I sighed,i could hear her voice up here...i decided to take a shower and refresh myself out of this thoughts. I came back after a quick shower,to find silence. She must have stopped crying,hmm...I'll take her out in just a few hours. I yawned and decided to take some sleep.

I got freshened up and decided to bring noor out. I went there and unlocked the door,uhmm i grabbed my nose..what the hell is this horrid smell? I looked around to find noor asleep at the corner,with dried blood on her face. What?
"Noor..noor chalo utho(get up)"but she didn't even move. I touched her to find her unconscious,i picked her up in bridal style and went upstairs. I layed her on the couch,and brushed an odd strand of her hair behind her ear. I looked to the side,to find a huge cut on her head,with blood oozing out of it. This is the reason she went quiet..but what happened there? I shrugged these questions off and went to bring a wet towel.

I cleaned her head,applied some bandage there..the doctor said that she would be fine. And i sigh,i will never,ever leave her in the dark. This is all your fault adeel.

Dhai handi: It is a festival celebrated in Maharashtra. People keep yogurt in huge pots and tie it up with the poles. Then a group of men have to climb up,and break it. This is a really important festival for maharastrains,as lord krishna loved yogurt..according to them.

So,how was the chapter?
Adeel has started to feel something for noor?
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