Chapter-18- Police station

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Noor's pov:
I inhaled the fragrance. Ummm. It smells good. I am making biryani. I will not boast but sure i can make good biryani though.

I decided that everything happens for a reason,so what is happening to me also has a reason. May i be happy or not,but now as long as i am here with my mom,i am gonna enjoy every second of it.

Now no more crying. Only 3 months left for my marriage so i wanna make up to everything.

Ammi,naila and numair had gone to my aunt's house,probably discussing about my marriage. I didn't go because i was too lazy.

I was getting bored,so i decided why not to make some food? I quickly covered the lid and went out. I went to ammi's room and sat on her bed.

I touched the side where my dad used to sleep. I often used to come here,sit and massage my dad's leg. He had leg pain from a long time. I used to do something for him and he used to pay me 10 rupee or sometimes 100 rupee too.

I smiled at the memories. Quickly i opened my mom's wardrobe and looked down. There were 3 big albums. I picked them and sat on the bed. I opened the album.

I opened the first page to find a pic where my dad was holding me,i was born at that time. Mom said that he was the one who kept my name.

Before,dad's life was very stressful,he didn't get job plus he had responsibility of my mom and his mother. He had many loans,EMI and all that.Life was very hard then.

But as i was born,Within 2 days,my dad got a job in government office. My dad was very happy. He said that I bought the light in his world,so he named me noor.

Then there was this pic when i was crying and my dad was comforting me. I took that pic out and kissed it. Tears leaked out eventually.

I want my dad here,he used to say that i was his princess. He used to even argue with my mom that he won't let me marry anyone,he would keep me to himself!

I smiled at that thought.
Baba,i miss you.

If my dad was here...but he killed him. Just for a file. I wiped my tears.
That file,this was the reason my dad was killed. If adeel is right that my dad was a secret CBI officer then that file should be here.

I will ask about dad to my mom later. Now i have to search for that file. I got up and searched her wardrobe. Nothing,just her clothes,albums and jewelry.

Uff,where is that file? I began walking here and there,restlessness overwhelmed me. I was curious as to where is that file.

But maybe adeel is lying. He is an amazing liar. How could dad would have hidden such a big thing from us.

But as i think deeper,maybe adeel is right. When i was a child,I secretly stole a chocolate from my cousin. He got very angry and pointed at me that it was me who stole it.

But i denied it,as i was a kid. But then my dad,he asked me questions in such a way that I eventually admitted it.

He was always like this. He used to ask questions like a lawyer! But i never took it seriously,I thought that was my dad's character.

I hurry to the room at the corner,our store room. Since dad died,mom shifted all his belongings to that room. I went in there and saw many boxes.

One was for clothes,albums,books then finally my eyes went to one box at the corner. It was named important. I went and opened it.

There were many files in there. I took out one and opened it. There was my dad's biodata on it. I looked down and was shocked to see. It was written, Deputy Hamad ali,head of CBI.

My dad was one CBI officer,but then why did he hide it? Does mom know about this? I have to ask her about this,but later.

I struggle under those huge pile of files. But one file caught my eye,it was sealed unlike others and it was a bit different. I took a deep breath and opened it.

As expected this was the file about adeel. My dad had written all about his dirty work. Smuggling,drugs and what not. There was a detailed description about all his members working and about him.

I went on to read about him. His dad's name is Sohail khan and even he was in the mafia. At the age of 15,he acquired the head of mafia because his dad passed away. I wanted to know how,but it was not written.

All other things were written. Hmph,i will take the revenge of my dad now.
You will never get this file adeel. Tomorrow this file will be in the hands of the police and you will be behind the bars.

I quickly close the box,lock the door and kept the file in my wardrobe. Tomorrow will be the end of adeel from my life.

I heard the door bell ring,so i went and opened it.
"Apiii"they shouted.
"Salam ammi"i moved aside and they went in.

"Api kya banari hai?(what are you making)"naila asked.
"Guess baby"i said and smiled.

"Biryannniii...yay"they shouted and smiled.
They changed and came down.

"Api..i heard ammi say that you are getting married"numair said.
I nod.
"Api you will leave us and go"they asked making a sad expression.

I quickly hugged them and said,
"No baby boos,i will come here everyday to meet you can I survive there without you two"i hugged them.

Next day
I was internally fighting in my mind,whether to go or not. Here I am standing near the mumbai police station. I see ppl going here and there.

My mind was saying me to go inside,give them this file and end this. But what if the police doesn't arrest him? What if the police is by his side?

If adeel comes to know that i have this file and that i gave this to police,I don't know what he will do to me.

So many what ifs were going on in my mind but if i do this then end of adeel story from my life. But what if he gets out by bail?

What to do,ya allah?

I looked at my handbag,the file feeling heavy due to nervousness. I contemplated and finally came to a decision that i will go.

As i moved a step forward,my heart was beating so rapidly. I am sure my BP is high now. I wiped the sweat forming on my forehead and moved forward only to be stopped by a hand gripping my elbow.

I stood there frozen because i knew who that hand belonged to. How is he here? I am sure he spies on me the whole time. I gulped and turned around.

"What are you doing here"he asked suspiciously.
"Umm..i..came here...just.."I stuttered,I couldn't find more words.

"What nothing? Who comes to police station without a reason? Do you come here for entertainment"adeel said.

Just as i was about to answer,a policeman was roaming around. He saw adeel and smirked. He made his way towards us.

"Look who we have here,adeel khan"
A short chapter.
Guys i am very disappointed because we are not getting much votes. Anyway,how was the chapter?
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