Chapter-30-sorrow and grief

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Khalid's pov:
As soon as noor said me to leave,i ran as fast as i could. And then i heard the gun shot,people running around me,panicked and scared to save their lives.

I turned around and saw noor collapse on the ground. I wanted to go and comfort her but I couldn't because i had to save my own life. So i continued to run.

I came out of the park and ran on the roadside,
"Taxi"i shouted.

But no response,they were too busy to stop for me. I couldn't wait long so i ran. After some time,my muscles were stiff and i couldn't run anymore.

I stopped and took ragged breaths,to calm my heart beats. Few minutes later i began to run again,who knows if adeel had kept his men to catch me.

My hotel was 3 miles away so i took a shortcut and ran. This area was inhabited,lonely. Silence everywhere. All the sound of my footsteps were ringing around.

As soon as i took a turn,someone caught me and i shouted. I was scared like hell,i shut my eyes and screamed to spare my life when I heard a known voice,

"Calm down,its me"
I opened my eyes to see a furious ayaan standing in front of me.

"Wh..what are you doing here"i asked after regaining my posture
"Really? I should be the one asking you that question. What are you doing here,khalid"he asked furiously.

I looked down in embarrassment,
"Why? Why did you come here? You had an amazing life there,didn't you? What caused you to come here"he asked softly.

Tears brimmed my eyes,i looked at him and said,
"Is that called a life! All alone in an unknown country,no family,no friends. My family thought that i was dead. I wasn't allowed to even contact them,i had to send them money. I am the way of their income,if I don't help them,how would they survive? And apart from that i came here bec-"

"Because you love noor"he completed my sentence.

I nodded at him,
"I told you before. Noor belongs to adeel. She is adeel's wife. Forget about her and live your life,but no. You had to come in between and look what you have done now" he said.

"But i love her. She's my life. I was supposed to get married to her,but adeel came into scene and spoiled our life. She loves me,she doesn't even like him. This is not justice to her. Please let her go and give her to me. I wil-"

"ENOUGH" he interrupted me by raising his hand.

I shivered at his sudden voice. I looked up to see him furiously see at me.

"Noor is married to adeel. Adeel fell in love with her and so they both got married. Even though the circumstances weren't good,noor will eventually like him some day,or even love him. It's not necessary to fall in love before marriage,most of the love happens after marriage. And as of you,i am sure it was that teenage kind of love and she will forget about you later."he answered,

"But-"before i could say,

"Do you know what you have done? You have spoiled her life along with you. She was living happily with adeel and suddenly you came. Adeel hates those who betrays him and gives them severe punishment and now noor is going to suffer because of you"

As soon as he said that,i slumped down on the floor,my head in my hands and started crying. Ya allah,what have i done?

"Wh..what will he do to her? Will he abuse her?i asked while i wiped my tears.

"Honestly I don't know,but she sure has lost his trust."he said while sitting down with me.

"I..i didn't want to do that. I didn't knew this would happen. Now my noor will suffer,ya allah"i closed my eyes in frustration.

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