Chapter-22-A long way to go

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Noor's pov:
I woke up with the rays of sunlight falling on my face. I checked the time,it was 8. I turned around to see him,sleeping. He was sleeping so peacefully.

He looked so handsome and cute. Oh,what am i saying? Control yourself noor. But I can't deny that he isn't good looking. I didn't realize that i was staring at him,until he opened his eyes.

I decided that,allah had chosen him to be my husband. And i will not disappoint allah by not giving this marriage a chance. It may happen that i can change him and bring him back from the dark world.

I have decided that i will fully complete my role as a wife,whatever happens. I may not love him,but its a sunnah to fulfill the needs of a husband.

"Kitna ghurogi?(how much will you stare). I know that i am handsome and you can watch me all day" and he winked at me.

Uff,the nerve of this guy. I quickly look away,
"I wasn't staring at you,i was going to do something" i made up some reason.

"Like what?"he said with a smirk.
"Umm...i...i..uh..gotta go to washroom"i said and left.

I had a shower and then realized that I didn't bring my clothes with me. Oh shit. There's just a towel here,and i cover my body with it.

I have to go out and take my clothes. I just wish that he isn't in the room. God please. I open the door a little,to find him busy with his phone.

I mock my head. Now what? Well you gotta ask him to bring your clothes,then what. My inner voice spoke.

Ugh..i hate to do this.
"Adeel"i called

No response.

"Adeel" i tried a second time. Still no response.

Like what,is he deaf?.

"Adeeelll" is shouted.
He then looked at me.

"Give me my clothes"i said. Covering my body as much as i can.

"Request me and then only i can give you"he said,trying to hide his smile.

Uff...he must be waiting for moments like this.

"Adeel..can you please give me my clothes"i said in a sweet manner.

"Alright sweetheart"he gave me a purple suit from my bag.

When i was about to take it,he caught my wrist.
Ya allah.

"Adeel leave my hand" i said trying to wiggle out of his grip.

Plus the towel too was slipping out of my body.
"Adeel please"i said angrily.

He looked at me,but then left my hand. I quickly closed the door and wore my clothes.

I came out and went down. Oh my god,this house was too big for 2 people. I saw kitchen at one corner. My stomach grumbled and i decided to make some breakfast for ourselves.

I took all the ingredients for making french toast because only those were available at that moment. I started making them.

I felt someone behind me,and it was adeel. He had his arms around my waist and he was snuggling my neck.

His touch ran shivers down my spine,and to add cherry on top he kissed the exposed part of my neck. My skin suddenly became hot and I blushed.

Ugh...he does have effect on my body.
"Adeel..please i am cooking"i said and tried to remove his hands.

His gripped more tightly and said,
"So what,I didn't stop you from cooking"he said nonchalantly.

His hot breath was faming on my neck,making me feel uncomfortable.

" are disturbing me,let me cook or else it will burn" i said.


I served him and i started eating. When i looked up he was staring at me.

" didn't like it?"i asked.
"No...its just that i am shocked that you cooked for me"he replied.

I rolled my eyes, and kept on eating. After sometime he began eating too.

"It was awesome are a wonderful chef" he wiped his mouth and left upstairs.

I washed the dishes and went in the hall. Beside the hall,there was another room. I opened the door to find that this room is a home cinema.

What the fish! He has his own cinema theatre. There was s big screen in the middle with 5-4 seats.

Wow. I will definitely watch movies in here. When i came out from the room,i saw adeel all dressed up in a black suit coming down from the stairs.

I wonder why he always wears a black suit. He saw me and came near me.

"I am sorry noor,i have to go because of some important business. Till then you can take a tour of the house"he said and came close to kiss my forehead.

I moved backward but he grabbed my shoulders and kissed my head. I made an annoyed expression to which he smiled and then left.

Nothing much was in this floor,so i went upstairs. There was a big wooden door. Upon entering i saw many shelves of books.

He has a library too! Yay,i love reading books. I picked up a novel and went down.

When i was reading this book,my phone ringed. It was nisa.

Asking about my whereabouts and troubling me for some time,we ended the call and i presumed reading,getting lost into the imaginary world.

Hello peeps!
I am back,exams r over and now i have to wait for the result.
A short chapter,but we have more chapters coming ahead.
So keep on voting and commenting.

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