Chapter-47-Good news

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😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂. The whole day i was laughing out loud. I got you all didn't i?! You all really thought,i would end this story? This story has just started,how could i end it. I was just kidding about the ending story part,but it was true that i was hurt. Anyway,reading the previous comments i have decided to update. This will be the most beautiful chapter,i promise. You'll be happy,i guarantee. One more thing to tell about,this story is my dream. And you all are the most amazing people in this world. I love each one of you. And...I'll give extra updates maybe one or two as my birthday treat. Its not here yet,few days left for it. So enough talking.

Noor's pov:
2 months had passed away like a blur. And adeel had extended his trip. He informed me that he won't be here for a next couple of days or weeks. I seriously want to grab a fight and go to Australia. But I can't.

"Noor,come down. Tea is ready"i heard mom's voice.
I shrugged away those thoughts and strutted downstairs. In these 2 months,i have been having serious headaches,for no apparent reason.

I went to our porch and sat down with my mom. She smiled at me and handed me a cup of tea.
"Have some kebabs noor"mom said and handed me one.
I ate it in one gulp.
"Adeel kab aaraha hai(when is adeel coming back?)"ammi asked.
"He said that he won't be back here anytime soon"i said and looked at my siblings playing.

My mom nodded and continued eating her kebabs. I drank my tea and went to play with my siblings. The sky was a blend of pink and orange,the sun was setting,going back to its horizon.

I picked up naila and started tickling her. As soon as i started doing it,i felt bile rise in my throat. I stopped suddenly and muffled my mouth with my hand and ran back to home.

"Kya hua(what happened)"i heard ammi's voice,but I couldn't reply.
I opened the washroom and emptied all the contents of my stomach. I washed up and looked at myself. Vomit? How? Something was wrong in that kebabs maybe. But mom made it.

I won't tell to ammi about this. Hmm. And with that thought i went to my room and layed down. I was feeling very weak suddenly. Vomiting does that to you.

Before dinner i had puked 3 times,making a record. I thought to tell ammi about this,but she would feel bad. So i decided i would take some medicines. I will be alright by tomorrow. I hope so.
I bolted up and saw the time,1:05 pm. Jeez. How could i sleep this much? I ran downstairs.
"Ammi..why didn't you wake me up"i asked and yawned.
Wow,i am still feeling sleepy.
"You were deep asleep. I didn't want to wake you up"ammi said and continued cooking in the kitchen.

I shrugged and went upstairs to pray duhr namaz.

I sighed deeply and raised my hands for the prayer.
Ya allah! Give me strength for every obstacle that comes in my way. If you are testing me,give me patience to handle it. Heal my mom,i want my family to stay happy. I want adeel back,ya allah.

I fold the prayer mat and got up. I turned around and saw nisa at the doorway,with an unknown expression on her face.
"Hey nisa"i said and plopped down on my bed.
"I have seen you praying this 2 months all along. When is your cycle date?"she asked frowning.

"I don't know."i said which made her more angry.
"When did you get it last time"she asked.
What is wrong with her? No salam or hi and she barges in asking about my cycle,

"I got it 3 months ago"I answered simply.
"What? And you didn't consult a doctor?"she barked angrily.

"Woah. Calm down lady. First of all,its normal for me to have my cycle 1 or 2 months later. Second,why is it bothering you so much?"i asked nonchalantly.

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