Chapter-69-New member

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Adeel's pov:
My feelings were mixed. I was happy and worried too. I was happy because now i am father of two children,mashaallah. But worried because my wife hasn't gained consciousness since two days.

Yes,its been two days since the pre delivery and noor hasn't gained consciousness. Doctor said that apart from injury on her stomach which led to her delivery,she also had a concussion.

I was worried sick because of that. Yesterday i went to see her and she was laying there unconscious. Doctor said that she could wake up any time. And apart from that,they haven't let me see my child.

Forget about holding her,they didn't even let me see her. After cleaning her up,they took her to the incubator and didn't let me in. I was so furious at them. I had just headed back to the hospital after cleaning up.

I was walking in the lonely corridor with armaan in my arms when i saw the doctor along with her nurses coming out of noor's room.
"Excuse me doctor,but i really need to see my newborn. Its been two days,if you don't let me,i swear i will complain-"i was interrupted by the doctor.

"I am sorry sir. For certain reasons,we had to keep you away from her. As she is premature,she is very delicate. If we let any outsider in,she might catch up some cold. That is the reason we kept you away from her"she reasoned out.

"But i am her father"i said
"I am sorry. But there is good news for you. We recently examined your daughter and the results show that she is doing well. She can be discharged from the incubator now. You might as well can see her and hold her. Our nurse will bring her to you"she said and I smiled at her.

"About your wife,you'd be happy to know that she has waken up"she said.

I jumped up in that news.
"Really? How is she doctor? Can..i see her?"i exclaimed.

"As per our assumption she did have a concussion,she would have waken up one day before but due to stress she was passed out. We checked her and she is doing fine. She asked about you and we told her that you went back to your house. And as of your question,yes you can meet her"the doctor said and smiled at me.

"T..thank you doctor"I said. She nodded and moved aside.I looked at armaan with a smile.I then ran towards noor's room.

Noor's pov:
I gasped as i opened my eyes and saw myself in an unfamiliar surrounding. I looked around and saw that i was in a hospital room. Suddenly,all memories from the night came back to me.

Armaan's birthday,me talking with nisa and me falling down from the stairs. Consciously i looked down at my tummy and found it back to its normal shape. It was not bulged out like before.

Oh my god. Did i have a miscarriage?
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh"i screamed out. Tears brimmed my eyes. I..its because of me that my baby died. What have i done?

How will i face adeel? We both had dreamt about our newborn. Ya allah. I combed my hand through my messy hair. Why me?

I let out an another ear piercing scream and started crying. The door bursted open and in came in a doctor. She looked so alarmed but then when she saw me,she smiled warmly at me.

"Oh,you are awake"she said and smiled at me.
" did i have a miscarriage? did my baby die?"i asked while a tear slipped down from my eye.

" didn't have a miscarriage. You delivered a healthy baby girl. Congratulations"she said and gripped my arm examining on it.

I wiped my tears and smiled. How stupid can i get? Ya allah,thank you for honoring me to become a mother again,and saving the life of my child.

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