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The place is really nice and pretty new it seems. You and Miok enter, after being carded, following standard procedure. You go to the bar to get started, surveying the scene and getting a drink.

"Okay, let's find you someone to warm up with..." Miok says, scanning from the stool she's sat down at. You look too, hoping someone will catch your eye.

"Him?" She asks, point to a guy on the dance floor with nice pants on but a more casual shirt to accompany it. You go over, seeing nothing wrong with him from a simple glance. He's fine at first but there's something off about him. You figure out that he's a bit too buzzed for your taste and you can smell the alcohol on him. You determine that it's not worth it so you return to Miok.

"Pretty buzzed already. Not worth it," you report.

"It's okay, first one of the night...How about...him?" She points. This guy you shake your head at right away, not bothering to even try. He's in shorts and has really colourful hair.

"He could be an idol!" Miok says.

"No, he's not fit enough, look you can see he has a bit of a beer belly," you point out and then Miok sees it.

"Ah, yeah I see it. Okay...ummm," she says scanning again. She cranes her neck, searching, scowering the venue for someone, totally into her work. A guy catches your eye and so you head over without telling her. He's dressed nicely, a sort of style that screams good fashion sense and a good job too.

"Hi," you start off. He looks at you and smiles.

"Hi there."

"What's your name?" You ask, going right for it.

"Hyunwoo. And you?"


"Ah, that's a very pretty name. Are you visiting Seoul?"

"No, I live here. I teach at a school here in the city."

"Oh is that so?" He asks, seemingly really interested.

"Yeah," you smile.

"How long have you lived here?"

"Just over a year now. Originally I was only going to be here for just a year, but I decided to stay."

"Cool, it's a nice place."

"Yeah, I love the culture and it's just a really unique place overall."

"I can agree with that. I grew up in the city, so I know all about it."

"Do you work in the city too?" You ask.

"Yeah, I work at Kia. I got a job right out of college, my father had some friends there who knew my potential."

"That's really nice, not much stress then I suppose?"

"No, the office is nice, newly remodeled, all the people are friendly."

The two of you make small talk for awhile and eventually take up space at a small couch against a wall. You two talk more about yourselves on a deeper level and get to really know each other. He did well in school growing up but his parents never pushed him really hard. He has two younger siblings, one who's still in school and the other who graduated last year. His parents live in the same place they grew up in and haven't stopped working yet. He did track and field in high school and joined a small running club in college to keep active. He hopes to move up to a bigger company in a few years after he gets more experience. You admire his ambition and like how open he is.

"Do you have any bigger goals in life?" He asks you.

"I like teaching, so I probably wouldn't change that. I do want to travel though and maybe experience some new hobbies. I like art and writing, but I don't have much time because teaching is a lot of work."

"Hobbies are good. And liking your job is always a good thing too."

"Yes, I didn't know I would enjoy it so much."

"You teach English I'm assuming?"

"Yes," you smile.

"I was pretty good at English when I was growing up and used it everyday in school. But I haven't used it much recently. Most of the Europeans and Americans our company deals with talk to people who are fluent and then they pass on what is needed to be done to us."

"Makes sense, keeps things simple and straightforward."

"Yes, exactly. It avoids confusion or miscommunication," he points out and you agree with him. You talk for a long time more and Miok finds you.

"Y/N! I couldn't find you!" She says.

"I've been here for quite a while," you say. You then realize she's a bit tipsy.

"Ah, I should have known. You little wallflower you. C'mon let's go dance!"

"Oh um, I'm kind of talking with Hyunwoo here. Maybe later?" You ask. She giggles and agrees then goes off.

"Friend?" He asks.

"Yeah, it was her idea to come out here."

"Well it was a good one, I got to meet you," Hyunwoo flirts. You blush and move a bit closer to him. You guys flirt for a while, making each other blush and your body language suggests that you two should go somewhere a bit more private.

"I'd love to," you say when he invites you to his place, "but I have to take care of Miok when she's ready to leave. She won't get home if I don't help her."

"Aw c'mon," he playfully pesters you. You stand your ground and he gives up.

"At least let me have your number. When you don't have to babysit, call me."

You exchange numbers and he wishes you a good night before leaving. You go to find Miok who is just one drink away from blackout drunk levels. You convince her to stop giving some playboy guy a lap dance and drag her out to the street. You hail a cab and take her home first. Once you know she's good, you leave and head home. You change into your own clothes and set Miok's aside and climb into bed.

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