Twenty Six

21 4 0

You sit at your desk, finishing up grading exams. You finished the essays a few weeks back and were blown away at the honesty in them. Yoongi was right, the kids had unique views about their school experiences. Some talked about feeling the need to be perfect and being afraid of not reaching that standard. Some talked about pressure put on by family. Some talked about feeling trapped. Some talked about wishing they could be better. Some talked about all of above. Some talked about totally unique things. One student talked about wanting to travel. One talked about wanting to study abroad but her family couldn't afford it. One talked about his drive to prove his low income family wrong about not being able to move up in the world. One other girl talked about her recovery from mental disorders and how she uses her past to motivate her be better and help others in the same place.

Your students exams all were pretty good, very few scoring failing grades. Only two students actually failed, the rest did fine. A few you could tell struggled, but a lot did well on their own. The oral exam section was hardest for all of them. A lot of them got flustered by all the topic choices, and so they struggled to have a conversation. Some of them did well, one actually you would consider close to being fluent. He had a good in depth conversation about cultures and their similarities and differences. You gave him an almost perfect score, but docked him a few points just because you figured giving full points wasn't right. He did surprise you though.

You only have a few days left of classes before summer vacation. While your students are really excited to have a short break, you're even more excited. Yoongi has a break now that mostly all of his promoting stuff is over, he can relax and spend more quality time. He said he'd like to be at your apartment though, since it's much nicer and quieter. You don't mind, that just gives you more time to each other and with way less distractions. You figure it will be nice to have some private time. Not like you're looking for much, but the idea is still nice.

There's a knock on your door. You look up from the papers on your desk to see one of your students. It's actually the one who you would consider almost fluent in English. He has a piece of paper in one hand, which looks important.

"Seonsaenim..." He bows.

"Jinwoo, come in," you nod. He enters the room and stands at your desk.

"I have a request of you..."

"What is it?" You ask, looking at him.

"Would you sign this?" He sets the paper on your desk. You take it and look at it.

"A foreign exchange program?" You look up.

"Yes. I plan on attending a school in the United States, and I need my seonsaengnim to sign this form..."

"That seems awfully simple, just a signature?"

"And to write a letter of recommendation..." He says, bashfully.

"Yes, I will."

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He exclaims, bowing heavily and a big grin on his face.

"This seems like it means a good deal to you..."

"It would mean the world to me."

"What is your reasoning?"

"I want to make a difference in the world."

"What sort of difference?" You ask, resting your chin on your folded hands.

"I want to travel the world and help people?"

"How and with what?"

"I want to help people who are less fortunate be able to achieve their full potential."

"How do you plan on doing that"

"Traveling to places that need help with education and helping people with self esteem based issues. Teaching people about how to accept themselves and build themselves up if they've been knocked down in the past."

"Where did this dream stem from?"

He's quiet.

"Hm? Where did this dream come from?"


"Jinwoo. Give me an answer. I can't write a formal recommendation without some explanation."

"I um...I was inspired by a song..."

"What song?"

"It's new. From a new idol group...You probably don't know who they are, but their name is BTS. They released a song called 'No More Dream.' It was released recently, about a week ago. The message is about chasing your dreams after realizing them. I wanted to help people but didn't believe I'd be able to...It sounds childish..."

You have to hold back from telling him about Yoongi and the boys and how they'd be elated to hear about how they inspired someone, but you keep it together and nod instead. "That's unique. I'm sure I can write something worthwhile. I will get one done by the end of the week. Come back here on Saturday and I'll give you the final copy of the letter. Go off now," you gesture and he leaves after thanking you again several times. You smile and whip out your phone.

"Yoongi?!" You say excitedly when it picks up.

"He's sleeping, Y/N. What's up?" It's Namjoon.

"Oh! Well, I just have something exciting to tell you all..."

"What is it?" Namjoon asks.

You tell him about Jinwoo and how their song inspired him. He responds with excitement and even tells Hoseok and Jin who are sitting with him.

"Really?!" Jin says.

"Yes!" You exclaim.

"Ah, Yoongi will be so happy," he smiles.

"I'll stop by soon, I just need to finish a couple things..." You say and they say goodbye. You rush to finish everything and then get a cab to their dorm. You rush up and into the place, since the door is unlocked and see Yoongi sleepily emerging to the living area.

"Yah, what are you doing?" He asks, rubbing his eyes and stretching.

"I have something to tell you. Something you'll be happy to hear."

"That I can go back to bed but this time with you?" He grins, still waking up.

"What? No. No, a student came in today and gave me a form to sign for an exchange program. He talked about wanting to change the world and help people realize their potential and raise their self esteem. I asked where it stemmed, so that I can write a proper letter of recommendation, and he shyly explained because of...your song!"

His eyes widen and he wakes up fully at the sound of that. He grins too, his gums revealing. He is at a loss of words, so instead, hugs you.

"I thought you'd be happy to hear that," you smile.

"Happy doesn't begin to describe..."

You hug him back but break apart when you hear others milling about. "How about we go out?" He suggests. You nod and he changes while you sit and talk to the younger boys. You tell them and they're happy too, but not as much as Yoongi.

"Let's go," he nods, and you leave. "Where to?"

"Coffee? You could still use a pick me up," you suggest. 

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