Thirty Three

17 3 0

Yoongi has brought you to a building with few lights on it, but looks important nonetheless. It's got a line of people outside of it, all looking very swaggy and dressed up. You look at him as he brings you to the line and right up to the front. The bouncer looks at him and nods. The two of you are admitted to the club, but it's not a club.

"Yoongi, tell me now. What is this place?" You demand.

" where I got my start. It's an underground rap club. People perform here, gain experience and credit. I learned how to write and perform here. C'mon, that's not it."

You follow him through the venue, crowds of people standing around, drinking and talking. He leads you to the side of the stage and up some stairs and then behind some curtains. He continues to pull you through towards the way back where there are some rooms.

"What are we doing?" You ask, as Yoongi knocks on one door. He doesn't answer you, just stands there and smiles. The door opens and a tall, skinny, intimidating guy looks down at you. He has a face mask on, it's black and has no decor or style. He has a snapback hat on too, with silver spikes on the rim. His clothing screams "rapper", a jersey tank top. A dark bomber jacket is over him, way too big but looks fashionable. He has super skinny jeans on and big high top sneakers. He looks at Yoongi and you can see a smile appear in his eyes, which you can only assume reflects his expression under the face mask.

"Min Yoongi!" He exclaims, a deep voice coming out. The guy reaches for him and Yoongi reciprocates the gesture, meeting for a friendly and informal handshake.

"Ikje!" Yoongi hollers loudly and comedically, making you confused for a moment.

"Good to see you man, c'mon in," he ushers. Yoongi gestures for you to go into the room and so you do. There's a couch, clothing rack, table to get ready at and some food on a coffee table.

"Y/N, this is Ikje," Yoongi introduces. He extends a hand and you shake it politely. You look at Yoongi for further explanation. He nods, understanding. "Back before BTS was the BTS we are today, there were a lot of lineup changes..."

"Isn't that right," Ikje laughs.

"Before I was even recruited or auditioned, it was just Namjoon and a guy named Hunchul, you likely know him as Iron, if at all. Anyway, they were supposed to be a rap duo, but the plan of a duo was scrapped and auditions we held for other people to join. That's where hyung and I were brought into play. Along with Hoseok, but that's not as important. I was in Daegu at the time, working my ass off to get recognition, helping to write and produce, perform at stages around the area. All underground stuff. Well eventually, I auditioned at BigHit, and that's when there was a rap battle. Ikje and I had to go against each other and the winner would be cast as a member of the group."

"And if I remember correctly..." Ikje smirks, "You lost!"

"Yes, but for some reason, they extended an offer to me as well and I was added to the line up. Now before hand, back in Daegu, I helped in a group called D-Town. I helped make tracks for the others and even performed."

"And what was your stage name at the time hmmm?" Ikje nudges Yoongi. He looks at him.

"Gloss...Not like I'm ashamed, I did name myself," Yoongi raises and eyebrow.

"But it's so silly!" Ikje laughs.

"How do you spell your stage name?" Yoongi chides and Ikje shuts up. You can't help but chuckle.

"Anyway, that's how I know this guy. Long story short, he left for various reasons, on good terms though, and that helped get BTS to where we are today. But, I figured, you should see me perform," Yoongi smiles.

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