Forty Six

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He leads you up to the street level, which takes a while because of crowds and you're far from the area you came in. He decides to make things easier by taking a cab, calling one to pick the two of you up. It takes you home in a timely fashion and then you head upstairs. Yoongi sets the bags down against the wall gently and then picks you up bridal style and brings you the bedroom. You lean into him and refuse to let go when he sets you down.

"Are you not tired? Or too sleepy to let go?" Yoongi asks you confused by your actions. You lean back and he debates about letting you just fall or letting you down gently. Neither really happen, instead your head flops back and you crack your neck from the odd stretch.

"YA! YOU OKAY?!" Yoongi shouts, startled by the sound.

"Mhm," you say, sitting up rubbing your neck. He exhales and then deeply inhales. You crane your neck and stretch it in large circles. As you do, Yoongi remembers your ankle from before and checks it.

"What are you doing?" You ask.

"Making sure your ankle is healing properly...looks fine to me. Let's check your burn," he says, gently pulling your hair back. The innocent and gentle move sends a surge of hormones through your body. He inspects it then nods. "More aloe. Hold on." He goes and returns with the bottle and puts some on. You thank him and he sets it on your side table for later. He sits down by you and puts his arm around you.

"Bedtime?" He asks. You shake your head. "But you were all sleepy when I carried you. Were you pretending?"

"No, I was tired, but I woke up. The um...neck thing startled me..." You lie, not sure how to initiate what you want. You decide to just look into his eyes, hoping he catches onto what you want. He doesn't but instead smiles.


"I know," you say.

"Not ashamed of it now are we? Has all my teasing desensitized you?"

"Hmmm, sort of," you say, looking deeper into his eyes. He looks you up and down, trying to figure out what you want.

"What are you doing, I can't tell?" He gives up. You groan, frustrated that he won't get a clue. You decide to try again, but this time take a different approach. You rise and go to your drawer and find some pjs to put on. You slide off your skirt, dropping it to the floor. You can't see him, as your back is to him, but Yoongi starts to drop his jaw again. He can't pull his eyes off of you, stripping in front of him. He tries to keep his eyes on your head, or somewhere that isn't your bare skin, but he can't do it. He looks you up and down, as much as he can. You slip on a pair of tight shorts and then unhook your nicer bra and trade it for a bralette that you've been using as a sports bra type thing.

You turn to face Yoongi, who tries to sit normal, but can't. You giggle as you go back to him, sitting next to him on the edge of your shared bed. He stares at you, still processing what you did, trying figure out the right way to act. After several moments of trying to get a grip he gives up.

"What...what are you trying to do?" He asks. You look at him and shrug.

"I dunno...." You sound defeated.

"I mean...I'm fine with like...I dunno," he says shrugging again. You look at the floor, feeling stupid for trying to do anything. Not like you would have really done anything new, but like... "Did you want a kiss?"

You look at Yoongi and nod. He smirks and obliges, planting his lips onto yours. It's a gentle kiss, but you can sense he's holding back. He leans in more, making the kiss deeper, and grabs your hand. You let him and hold it in yours, using your other hand to lean on the bed. He sits to face you, adjusting, so that one leg is bent onto the bed and the other dangles over. He places one hand on your cheek and holds your face, setting the pace and controlling it.

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