Twenty Nine

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I don't recognize this number...

<<Who is this?...>>

You hit send and sit back. You try to think over who could be texting you with your number and you not have theirs. It can't be...Hyunwoo?! You start to get nervous, panicked and concerned. It's been months, why is he now reaching out. WHO THE HELL DOES HE THINK HE IS?! What nerve that bastard has. Last resort am I? I'll make you feel like scum You rant to yourself, starting to type out something profane and rude. Then a response comes in.

<<Jimin. Sorry, I stole your number from hyung's phone. I just...I need your help with something and I'm afraid to tell the others and I trust you...>>

You're concerned for the young boy so you delete what you had and type back and send:

<<Alright, how serious is this?>>

He responds really quickly with:

<<More than I'd like to admit, but serious...please?>>

<<Yes, I'll help you. Can we meet somewhere then? I feel like if it's serious, it's not a good idea to just text it...>>

<<Yeah, yeah that's fine. How about you meet me at the park that you and hyung spent time looking at the stars at. I know where it is and can get there quick. I'll run...>>

<<Okay, but be safe Jimin...See u soon>>

You change into attire that's appropriate and put on tennis shoes then hurry out, right after grabbing your wallet and phone and keys. You rush off down the street to the park, praying that Jimin's idea of a serious issue isn't what you have in mind.

It's probably nothing, he's a kid. What's the worst he can have to worry about? One of the members probably yelled at him or something and he doesn't want to cause drama by talking it out. Yeah, that's probably it, something simple like that. I've dealt with this before, I can handle this. A walk in the park...HA!

You arrive and sit down on the grass, watching for Jimin to arrive. There's a lot more people here than the last time you were here. You remind yourself you did come here at night, and it's mid afternoon now. There's a mom with her young daughter, toddling around, working on her walking. You smile as she falls then gets right back up and works to get to her mother. Another mom is here with her two children, both playing with some simple yard toys, as the mother reads on a blanket. A man and women sit under a tree, talking about a cheerful topic. A few people walk through, in suits and work attire, likely having casual meetings as they take a scenic route.

"Y/N!" You hear Jimin's voice shout from behind you. You turn your head to see him running up, a tank top and basketball shorts on. His shoes are meant for running and hard workouts. You see sweat on his forehead and you can see through his tank top. The arm holes are really low cut and you can see a lot of his body. He looks really skinny, not built at all, more like a stick. You tilt your head for a second then return it to normal as he sits down.

"Told you I'd run," he laughs then it fades to nervous chuckles which you can't ignore.

"So, what is it that you'd like to talk about?" You ask, becoming cautious of what you may be told.

"Well..." He starts, "I...I ummm...I've been working out a lot..."

"Okay..." You hesitate, "I don't see how that's an issue Jimin...I mean, you do look really skinny, very thin...But as an idol, isn't that what you want?"

"Not exactly," he frowns, looking off to the side, like he feels guilty.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm supposed to be muscular, ripped, abs and a tough body...but I'm so afraid of being called fat. I work out so much and I don't really eat...I'm afraid I'll develop an eating disorder...I don't want to, because if I do, I'll lose my job but I'm so afraid...Around the dorm we have to watch what we eat a lot of the time, but we all tease each other for eating and call each other pigs. I know they don't mean it to be rude or disrespectful...but it still triggers me..."

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