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The two of you leave the cafe and head off to the park. He walks closely to you, as if protecting you without having to say anything. It's dark, yes, but the city is always light up, buildings with advertisements and logos in neon lights. It's fun, to think about it, how the city is always busy. You never feel alone, or unsafe. You've never heard any freak stories like at home in LA. That place was dangerous at all times of the day. The neighborhood next to yours was known for crime at all hours. Somehow you stayed safe all the years you lived there but still, there were the occasional events that caused your mother to panic. She once suggested you all learn how to shoot a gun and that you should take self defense lessons. Your father talked her out of it, thankfully, but at times growing up, you did wish you learned how to roundhouse kick a creepy son of the gun in the face.

"This is one of the parks that I came to a lot when I first moved here," Yoongi notes, reminiscing. You look up at him and smile. You like seeing him like this, gentle, kind, vulnerable, nostalgic. "I wrote a few raps over there," he points. His finger is directed to a stone bridge that stands over the nearby creek.

"Looks pretty."

"It's even better during the day. Sorry you can't see it."

"Some other time perhaps?" You ask looking up at him. He looks down and smiles.

"Yeah. Yeah, some other time," he blushes, looking off at the bridge. You look around and take his wrist. He follows you as you bring the two of you to an open grassy area and lay down.

"What are you doing?" He asks, lowkey judging you.

"Come lay down," you gesture. He gives you an odd look but does as you say. He takes up space next to you and you can feel the warmth radiate off of him. You realize how cold it is out, and how comfortable it is to feel Yoongi next to you. You smile to yourself.

"What are we looking at?" He asks, pulling you from your thoughts.

"The stars."

"You can barely see them," he sighs.

"Search for them....there!" You point. He follows your pointing gaze to the small flickering ball of light in the sky.

"It's so small."

"Well duh, it's far away."

"I know. I did go through school Y/N. Just because I didn't do well in English doesn't mean I didn't do well in my other subjects. Not that I was a wiz at science, but I understood it enough to do well."

"Well pardon me, sir," you chide. He smirks and sighs.

"Do you like the stars?" He asks.

"I think they're interesting."

"How so?"

"You can see them in every sky you look at. You see the same ones no matter where you are on the Earth. You could be looking at the stars and some person on the opposite side of the world could be looking at the exact same ones. It's amazing to me."

Yoongi nods, pondering the thought. "Technically, it's day on one side and night on the other."

"Yoongi! Just let me enjoy this," you shove him playfully and he laughs.

"Sorry," he says, stopping the laughter. He wiggles only slightly closer to you. You don't mind, in fact you like it. But you don't say anything, afraid you might say something childish or weird.

"Do you know any constellations?" He asks you, curious.

"I can find Orion, the Big Dipper, Ursa Major, technically, and Taurus."

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